Recent content by oneminutetomidnight

  1. O

    How can I write this scene so it does not come off as forced?

    Maybeeee, and bear with me here... Rather than go to the witness that is going to testify, the detective can bring the witness to the police station, or some sort of questioning room with a camera in it. The detective goes in and sees the defendant's lawyer and the witness in the room, asks his...
  2. O

    Within Policy: Short Film - Need Donations!

    Hey everyone, I'm going to be making a short, feature film here in my home town! The main goal of the film is to get some of the talented actors in my town noticed, but we need a budget. The idea of the film is to take the aspects of the classic film-noir style, and apply it to a modern...
  3. O

    How Much Money Do I Need To Set Aside?

    That was really well timed. I was getting overwhelmed pretty quickly. Alcove, $600 is unfortunately miles above my budget. I'm barely going to scrape by with the money I have for production. Looks like I'll have to learn audio editing pretty quick. Renting equipment is a viable option, so long...
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    How Much Money Do I Need To Set Aside?

    My mistake. In that case, I may consider hiring sound editors and recording the sound to the best of my ability with what equipment I have during and after production. However, I have no idea what that would cost and from the looks of it I'll be running pretty low on cash by the time production...
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    How Much Money Do I Need To Set Aside?

    Oh wow, I've got some work to do. I live in themiddleofnowhere, Oregon so there aren't many people involved in film. Those who are involved are about as inexperienced as I am so it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out. As for the audio, I plan on adding a filter to it to give it...
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    How Much Money Do I Need To Set Aside?

    Alright I'll plan to pay for it with the tens of dollars I make off of the thing. Thanks again for the help everyone
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    How Much Money Do I Need To Set Aside?

    Thanks for all the replies. I realize that some problems are unavoidable, and I expect to have to replace many actors who vanish on me, but I'll try to plan accordingly so nothing huge slips through the cracks.
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    How Much Money Do I Need To Set Aside?

    That actually kind of answered my question. I'll be filming and spending as little as possible, with volunteer help in local locations. The most expensive piece of equipment I'll be buying is a $500 camera, but I seriously doubt it to be at risk. My only concern is that I have absolutely no...
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    How Much Money Do I Need To Set Aside?

    My first post... So, I'm going to be directing a short film-noir style movie. It's an extremely low budget film ($1500) and I was wondering what amount of money I should put aside in case something goes wrong during production. I'd like to be able to spend as much of it as I can, but what would...
  10. O

    Epic setting, now whats the story?

    Maybe the main character finds out from some of the "officials" of the process of sending people to this alternate reality that the people who say the words aren't transferred to a different dimension, but are sent to live as slaves of the more advanced "angel" race. So it's the main character's...