Recent content by mrpink89

  1. M


    Anyone else think 60FPS looks horrible? I hope newer movies don't take this up. It look very ugly.
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    Ms. Doubtfire 2

    Before Rob WIll Killed himself, he was in the works of doing Ms. Doubtfire 2. Though the movie never made it to the filming stage, there is a script for it and I really want to read it. But this dream seems impossible. :( "Doing what I can, gonna eat everything till the appearance of man.."
  3. M

    Trying to quit smoking, movie suggestions?

    Thanks guys.
  4. M

    Poster for 'Fissure'

    like an Anal fissure?---Ouch!
  5. M

    Game of Thrones Season 7

    Jamie will not make it to season 8.
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    Trying to quit smoking, movie suggestions?

    Hi guys, I'm back, been gone for a while. Hope all is well with you guys. Anyways, I am trying to quit smoking and one of the hardest things about that is seeing it displayed in movies and shows. So, I was wondering, and I know it's a tricky question. But does anybody have any movie/show...
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    Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

    Star wars was tight.
  8. M

    my new short. feed back please? run time (4min)

    Thank you for letting me know. I fixed it. Enjoy
  9. M

    Indie GoGO or Kickstarter?

    i always wonder how people are able to make it big on them things. but give it a try
  10. M

    my new short. feed back please? run time (4min)

    Here is a link to my new little short. Its a read aloud type of thing for a book i am trying to get published. SO enjoy. and feel free to share it around. feed back please.
  11. M

    My feature film is finally on youtube

    one last thing, Walter B c'mon you said had some points lets hit it!!! im not gonna be a crude person and be like " uggghh what do you know!!!!!" C'mon man feed back buddy that's what I'm seeking
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    My feature film is finally on youtube

    Also I don't know anything about promotion any tips? I'm not into the whole twitter scene and such.
  13. M

    My feature film is finally on youtube

    lol my last response was meant be a joke. Please don't think im that snooty person. I can't stand people like that, my bad I sould of put some J/k or something. and "Foster" nice clip hahaha doors movie, good stuff. "I've been sleeping on roof tops a lot latley"-Val in the doors movie. but...
  14. M

    My feature film is finally on youtube

    I guess some people just don't understand the movie. It is meant for a specific type of audience.