Recent content by MPatrickHeywood

  1. MPatrickHeywood

    Film making possibilities with high end DSLR:s ?? Like Crazy wasn't shot on the T2i, but it was shot on the 7D, which is pretty much a comprable camera. Granted, the people working on the film knew what they were doing and had incredible lenses. All that being said, I think the film really showed...
  2. MPatrickHeywood

    watch UNTIL YOU DO, a (very) short film!

    Hey everyone! Before I post this, I just want to say that I don't post very often, but I come on daily to check out all of your videos. Some really great work. As absolutely cornball as this is, it's other great up-and-coming filmmakers that inspire me to be better. Anyway! so here's the...
  3. MPatrickHeywood

    watch The Conversation Couch: Episode One (A New Web Series)

    The Conversation Couch: Episode One (A New Comedic Web Series) The first episode of a new comedy web series. In this first installment, my guest and I discuss the fertility of his girlfriend's ovaries, almost expired milk, rumors of his sexuality, and much more...
  4. MPatrickHeywood

    watch Brand new clip for "The Art of Falling in Love," a new short.

    Hey everyone! I wanted to post a clip from The Art of Falling in Love, a new short film that I wrote and directed, so people could get exposed to it and hopefully get interested for the final product! I'm really excited about it, and I hope you can take a minute to watch the clip...
  5. MPatrickHeywood

    watch My new film, "The Art of Falling in Love" (2012) Trailer!

    Thank you for the feedback. You know, watching it I completely agree about the darkness. That's not the footage, that's me not taking the time to properly color correct because I was so eager to get a trailer out there, so I just threw a preset from Magic Bullet Looks on there. The footage isn't...
  6. MPatrickHeywood

    watch My new film, "The Art of Falling in Love" (2012) Trailer!

    That's a great idea. Thank you. What did you think of the trailer?
  7. MPatrickHeywood

    watch My new film, "The Art of Falling in Love" (2012) Trailer!

    I appreciate the feedback, especially on the synopsis. It's a really tough film to write a synopsis piece, because it's a character piece more than anything... but that synopsis really does the film no justice. That advice is hugely helpful. I'm going to edit the post right now with a hopefully...
  8. MPatrickHeywood

    watch My new film, "The Art of Falling in Love" (2012) Trailer!

    My new film's, "The Art of Falling in Love" (2012), Trailer! I'd love some feedback from you guys! "If I'm not supposed to fall in love with every girl that I meet, why does Hollywood torture me with the idea that I am?" Some quick...
  9. MPatrickHeywood

    Is anyone interested in reading my short, 'The Art of Falling in Love' ?

    I know! I totally agree with you. It's one of those "I know WHAT I want the note to say, but I don't know exactly how I want it said" deals, y'know? I want her to be blunt, but I also don't want the audience thinking that I'm trying to shove the message/idea down their throats with totally...
  10. MPatrickHeywood

    watch Trailer for 'Sailing With Aquaphobia' ! - feedback appreciated!

    It's a teaser! Wouldn't that take the fun out of it, seeing all the good stuff in the trailer? ;)
  11. MPatrickHeywood

    Is anyone interested in reading my short, 'The Art of Falling in Love' ?

    Thank you for the kind words! Well, I think there are certain things that don't come across in the writing like I want them to... which hopefully I can make work with visuals. I think Kim would do that, simply because she's a little overwhelmed by Connor's forwardness toward the end. As I...
  12. MPatrickHeywood

    Is anyone interested in reading my short, 'The Art of Falling in Love' ?

    Well... it's not so much that I want to oppose them... it's that you have these two different types of people. You have this guy, who wants nothing more than a Hollywood romance, and a girl who couldn't want anything less. They meet, they obviously like each other... but their central...
  13. MPatrickHeywood

    Is anyone interested in reading my short, 'The Art of Falling in Love' ?

    Thank you for taking the time to read it. Haha, I know... my format style is sort of strange, especially in this version. But because it's really only for the people involved and I'm directing it myself... I just wanted something to make it as easy for me as possible. And yes, that note is to...
  14. MPatrickHeywood

    Is anyone interested in reading my short, 'The Art of Falling in Love' ?

    I'm going to shoot it up in Boston the weekend of October 8th and I could use some final feedback on it before we shoot it! It's a shade under 17 pages... and it's an easy read, I promise. The whole idea of the piece is our expectations of love vs. the reality of it. We have these ideas that...
  15. MPatrickHeywood

    What new films would you INSIST are masterpieces?

    I love this question. For me: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind There Will Be Blood Milk Lost in Translation Blue Valentine In the Bedroom No Country for Old Men Brokeback Mountain Before Sunset Adam The Social Network To me, these are all perfect films doing exactly what there set out...