Recent content by MovieLocker

  1. M

    Most Disturbing Film You've Ever Seen

    I know the topic is a little open ended, but I'm just trying to put some feelers out to see what different people think is the most "disturbing" film they've ever seen. That could mean emotionally disturbing, it could mean scary, or a film that struck you deeply because it hit home. What is the...
  2. M

    Poster Opinions

    totally agree! Also, I think the font choice for "us sinners" is a little weak. Keep it a san-serif, but maybe something that fits better with the overall theme. The fullness in the letters isn't my taste. Again, my taste is just that. I LOVE the design, very eye catching
  3. M

    Stalker Photographs

    Knightly makes some great points. I agree. Perhaps also have the setting be some place personal to her. A stalker would want to use the camera as a tool to feel closer, and as such would take pictures of her in a very personal setting like a bedroom
  4. M

    Buy/Sell/Store Your Videos Online FOR FREE

    Hey Fellow Filmmakers! I represent Movie Locker, a brand new online service which allows you to upload your videos online. The unqiue feature that movie locker offers is that you can sell your videos, buy stock footage, or simply set up your videos for free viewing and ask for donations. All...
  5. M

    watch HIlarious

    Loved it! It would be great to see you post this, and some of your other work on: I think you could benefit from having the option to sell your videos online or ask for donations from viewers, as well as get screened by others in the industry
  6. M

    Somebody To Edit Films

    I've seen a lot of success with this. But ask for a demo reel or test edit, sometimes craigslist is very hit or miss, and you may get a very inexperienced person willing to work on your stuff, and that inexperience will show in the final product. Look for film students willing to trade for...
  7. M

    Motivational and inspiring

    I've never read Rebel Without a Crew, but I'm excited to check it out now. Good find, thanks for sharing!
  8. M

    HD Online, Do You Use It?

    Currently we are offering free storage for videos but the functionality we offer that is different is the option for artists to buy and sell stock footage. Sometimes it's very diffcutl for artists to find places online to sell their work, and this proves to be even harder for filmmakers...
  9. M

    HD Online, Do You Use It?

    nice, thanks for the feedback. My company is starting a site to try to offer a solution for filmmakers and people who prefer HD video. We offer the option to buy, sell, and store your footage online. I'd love some ideas and feedback about it. We are trying to gear...
  10. M

    HD Online, Do You Use It?

    Hey Guys! I'm new to the forums but a long time indie filmmaker. Currently I see a trend moving towards HD even in independent productions. Also it seems like tangible media, while it still has a place, is rapidly being cast aside for media consumption online. It's no joke that sites like...