Recent content by meow1984

  1. M

    We Need Funds

    So we've completed two features and a short documentary. The first we submitted to film festivals with some success. It didn't win the Oscar we were hoping for, but that's beside the point. All three are well done and I am more than satisfied with the result. We want to start our third...
  2. M


    It depends on whether you're paying the actors as well. It's hard to ask them to come in for days or weeks of rehearsing if there's no pay. I like to walk through the scene a few times the day of and get the blocking down so that there's no confusion. However, I've never had the luxury of paid...
  3. M

    Who directs a documentary?

    I hate to say it, but you're the editor, which you should be proud to be. My editor is great, and I appreciate him dearly. It seems as though you have worked with directors that either do not have a clear vision or are flexible enough to allow the better idea to come through. Be happy to be...
  4. M

    Lighting for Naturalistic Thriller Night Shoot

    Thank you all for the responses. My DP and I will do our best to light the set within our time and budget limitations of course. Best, MEOW
  5. M

    Hello Indie Talk

    I have been a member for a little while but do not post much and have yet to introduce myself. I am a filmmaker out of Providence, RI, but I am moving soon as Providence does not have much of a film scene. I look forward to learning more through this forum, which has already proven to be very...
  6. M

    Lighting for Naturalistic Thriller Night Shoot

    Thanks for the feedback. We'll try to figure out a power source to get some lighting in there. I think we'll be able to meet somewhere in between with just enough lighting to make it pop.
  7. M

    Lighting for Naturalistic Thriller Night Shoot

    My DoP and I are having a disagreement. We'll be filming at an abandoned asylum that has no electricity and I want it to be as realistic as possible. Therefore, I want it to be lit by powerful flashlights because that is what the characters would be using. He says that this would look...