Recent content by jhisa

  1. jhisa

    Neon blinking light?

    In those scenes it looks like there were the outdoor sign and then some off screen aimed up to the window. being a neon person I like it, if you can just get some clear tubes filled with neon it will look more orange in a shot but would probably be bright enough for a spill effect. If you want...
  2. jhisa

    Gurilla Wind Muff

    Do you have any links? Thanks for all the kudos everyone. Sara
  3. jhisa

    Gurilla Wind Muff

    oh right I did mean the wind noise from the hair drier, not the other noises
  4. jhisa

    Gurilla Wind Muff

    I got some furry stuff from the yardage shop and made this. I bought 7 inches and the bolt was 5 feet long. So I have lots of extra. I can't gauge how it compares since I don't have any other fur wind muffs. But I did test it with a hair drier and it does block a decent amount of noise. I'm...
  5. jhisa

    ITOOFC 5 is here!

    I like the same script or similar script idea. The idea is -- this is our competition, not their festival. We're flooded with festivals, and in turn the festivals are flooded with us! Back in the day, college course Production I the script was based on do-ability (no budget and simple), so we...
  6. jhisa

    Bypass the managers and agents?

    maybe you can send her a myspace message see what happens. Although it might just get read by the intern and deleted.
  7. jhisa

    watch First short

    I kind of think the camera work is for the most part good, maybe they can be cut a little faster with more closeups. I think what I'd like to see is more plot set up and more dialog, making everyone suspicious of one another or something like that and then of course the hitchcock ending. I...
  8. jhisa

    Gotham Hyperspace

    the whole thing for Targ-U-mentary should be up. BTW, if the website farts (that's what i get for free, its run out of my friend's basement) try the myspace
  9. jhisa

    Gotham Hyperspace
  10. jhisa

    watch Laser Kings an entertainment story

    Until I figure out how to make a streming quicktime that doesn't hog too much space you can view the trailer for Laser Kings on MySpace and tell me what you think. The concept is to tell a fun story about the small and tight group of competitive laser tag players. I'm trying to make it...
  11. jhisa

    Streaming Quicktime

    I am building my web page and I have 3:36 min of a trailer. When I save it as a self contained streaming video it turns into 1.50 GB! I can save it at as a windows file and it takes up 9 MB. I don't know why it wants to be so huge and what I can do about it. I'm using Quicktime Pro along with...
  12. jhisa

    legal Using licensed music in film

    I just got permission to use Agent Orange "Living in Darkness" for my trailer. I didn't have to pay anything with the stipulation of streaming media only and non commercial use. So thats good enough for now. My opinion is if you want to use "just a little" you can probably get away with it, but...
  13. jhisa

    Audio recording on Sony HVR1

    I would use a lavalier on input 2 and the shotgun for input 1. Then monitor with headphones. Shake well.
  14. jhisa

    Rigging a hiking headlamp for video

    Just in from the New York/UK documentary shoot The ghetto lamp worked pretty well. I definately needed the built in diffuser. I velcroed the front and used the strap for extra support. Having some gels would have been better but I managed to get by with toilet paper and cello tape. Stop...
  15. jhisa

    Audio recording on Sony HVR1

    correction, the shotgun it comes with works fine for most situations.