Recent content by Foxtrot25

  1. Foxtrot25

    campaign In the genre of the blockbuster film The Sound of Freedom...

    Sometimes you have to try different things to see what sticks. All feedback is extremely helpful and welcomed.
  2. Foxtrot25

    campaign In the genre of the blockbuster film The Sound of Freedom...

    Super. That and a subway token... LOL Joke.
  3. Foxtrot25

    campaign In the genre of the blockbuster film The Sound of Freedom...

    I know you guys won't let the pedophile rapists win, right?
  4. Foxtrot25

    Newbie on the line

  5. Foxtrot25

    campaign In the genre of the blockbuster film The Sound of Freedom...

    Fact: Human sex trafficking is one of the biggest if not THE biggest threat to families across the world. Also fact: Ninjas are totally cool. So, let's make a movie where ninjas slice up pedophile rapists. Why not, right? How can you get involved and help, you ask...
  6. Foxtrot25

    River - a short interactive film experiment

    Reminds me of the old Choose your own Adventures books from years past.
  7. Foxtrot25

    A concept trailer to share

    Helpful indeed for scenes that you have total control over. Thanks for that as I will look at scenes through that prism more.