Recent content by dcaba

  1. dcaba

    watch Roger Corman on Independent Filmmaking

    The legendary King of the B Movies talks about making independent films. Includes clips from his many films. This guy is a hero to me and many indie film makers. Roger Corman on Independent Filmmaking
  2. dcaba


    make your HV20 an absolute indie or guerilla filmmaking monster
  3. dcaba

    How I learned about making an independent film as an actor

    Great post! No prob wit da Jibba-Jabba loved it
  4. dcaba

    watch Cinematographer style

    Cinematographer Style, featuring 110 prominent cinematographers on the art of how they make films look the way they do. I just posted this video and thought it was excellent.
  5. dcaba

    How I learned about making an independent film as an actor

    My first love is acting so I took a lot of classes at Piven Theater Workshop in Chicago. I got some head shots and picked up a book about auditioning, they don't teach you that in theater class. First thing you learn is, it's a business! You maybe a great actor/film maker but you must understand...