Recent content by cookwerth

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    watch The Enhancer (35 minute short)
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    watch Westlife - You Raise Me Up (parody music video)

    Be good to see what you think!
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    watch Take That - The Flood parody/light music video Parody based music video
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    watch Virgin Media Shorts Entry - Please Help!

    Hey there, I have entered this competition with a short film (link below), and there is an extra direct place on the shortlist for the video that is shared and liked the most on facebook/twitter using the share+like buttons underneath the video. It is counted from today to the 19th. So if you...
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    Canon XF100/550D qualities and bitrates

    These two cameras are around 10mbps apart in terms of data rate, but in this short I have recently made you can compare qualities nicely. The close shots with wide DOF (and most static shots)were all on the 550D (w/voigtlander f1.4) and pretty much any shot that is moving is the XF100. There not...
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    First proper short film- cold war check it out and let me know what you think, took around 4 weeks, the first all out film I've gone for really.
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    watch Down the phone line VFX test Through the phone concept, 3ds max + After effects
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    watch The Spark - About an alternative outcome to the cold war If you have the time please check it out, took about 6 weeks from start to finish.