Recent content by Bart.

  1. Bart.

    Shooting yourself (on camera)

    So I got the RØDE SmartLav today! It sounds just as good as my Apple earbuds. I think Apple earbuds have the cheapest possible microphone imaginable, so... nope I don't think the Røde is any good. There is a terrible amount of hiss on the background. Tried various sampling rates, if it matters...
  2. Bart.

    Shooting yourself (on camera)

    OK, you convinced me, I just bought a lavalier. A RØDE smartLav that is. Good to start with in my opinion, its yields a decent signal to noise ratio. Taking in consideration the price of course, this solution costs me just 60 dollars, I already have an iPod with which it is compatible (no need...
  3. Bart.

    Shooting yourself (on camera)

    So I asked a microphone shop if they had specific microphones they recommend. Ready to buy whatever they pointed at. Explained the situation: indoor, used for recording a monolog for a vlog. Told them I'd prefer an out-of-frame solution, with a hypercardioid mic like you recommended me, but if...
  4. Bart.

    Shooting yourself (on camera)

    Thank you for your wonderful responses. I'm trying to find a good and simple setup for YouTube videos (in case you didn't read the first post). Camera: check The camera used is indeed a triviality in comparison to the content. Still, its required to get any content at all :P I have decided...
  5. Bart.

    Shooting yourself (on camera)

    Hello there, I have a hunch that this isn't really the place to discuss this kind of filmmaking... Nevertheless I hope someone is be able to help me or at least give me some pointers. What I want to do is to create simple (indoor) YouTube-videos of myself (talking), which I will shoot myself...