Recent content by AvidDave

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    watch 'Attack Of The Herbals' TRAILER

    The trailer is what Ive been sending to distributers, so I decided to try and show them as much as I could. The trailer was never intended for online veiwing as we used copyright music, but a friend cut it for me and wanted to show his workmates and friends.
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    watch 'Attack Of The Herbals' TRAILER

    Lol, not agood idea to drink vodka and look at criticisam on these kind of forums. I very pround of the fact I managed to even write that private message, maybe more so than my film. Will stick some clips up later this month for you guys to have a look at.:yes:
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    Hello everyone, new guy here, lol

    This is my advise to you, watch as many films as you can, but this time look at how they construct a movie/edit . You got a 7D, so get a good follow focus and learn how to use it (you gona need it ) 98% of what people say after this is bullshit, so dont listen, just shoot and see what comes out.
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    Do you guys have a second job?

    Working in the film industy for ten years, this is my findings. YOU HAVE FILM spectators AND FILM MAKERS, and from someone whos worked in the industy for ten years. All people in Bafta & Cannes talk about making films, but its all bullshit. You think you know about making movies, not enought my...
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    Wheatgrinder gives two big thubms up to Magic Lantern

    Are you guys nuts?????? If anyone wants to make a movie with under $5000 you got to get a Canon 5d, only 35MM HD camera for this budget. Its all about the DOF people.
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    You chose to be Indie or just is because you didn't make it yet?

    you got film makers and film spectators, this website is 90% film spectators - FACT If I'm wrong why is the forum showcasing work bare??? BOOOM!!!
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    watch 'Double Down' - 48 Hour Film (5DmkII)

    well done guys, good shit : )
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    watch Never Open The Door - teaser

    Below is a perfect example of bullshit, I want to see his film first before I can even get the the end of his review. Looks cool, looks like you know what your doing. Money and experinace knocks on the head what the guy below has criticised. Anyone that works in the industry can look past this...
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    Minimum requirements for editing DSLR

    Use any AVID,
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    watch 'Attack Of The Herbals' TRAILER

    check out the website to see some short films - click about us.
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    watch 'Attack Of The Herbals' TRAILER

    'magic bullet presets' Never heard of it! the movie has past every broadcast test including sound, the only thing it failed was the compression issuie with the Canon 5d, which has since been passed by the BBC, the last broadcast company to accept this format in the UK.
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    watch 'Attack Of The Herbals' TRAILER

    sorry guys dont agree, I find it hard to take knocks on the grading considering you guys are watching it on a computer monitor. Ive worked in the industry for ten years and have never heard of anyone bring up grading unless they are watching it on a broadcast screen.
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    watch 'Attack Of The Herbals' TRAILER

    How can you tell from watching somthing up-loaded to youtube??
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    watch 'Attack Of The Herbals' TRAILER

    Low budget movie I made on a Canon 5d Promo Trailer we made So far got five U.S distribution companys wanting the finished film, dont need heaps of bucks to make good feature film.
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    getting the 'film look'

    Ive just finished shooting a feature on a Canon 5d, takes a little longer to set shots up because of the focus, but the depth of field is amazing, even more critical than the RED. If you want movie images on a small budget this is the camera to go for. Check out the trailer for some of the...