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watch half a movie - needs audio & music

Work-in-progress of a supernatural horror I'm writing, also known as The Devil Wears Lee Press-on Nails ;)


Watch in HD on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/56798418
send me a PM for the new password

BLOG UPDATE here http://redbrickfilms.wordpress.com/

We shot this back in August as a combined camera test (for John to give the GH2 a spin) and to shoot a few scenes from the script to stay busy (along the lines of what Wheatgrinder and Scoopicman did in Vegas). Budget was about 150 bucks, production was up in San Jose. One day of shooting, half day of pick-ups.

After the first minute there is no sound. I'm embarrassed to admit that with only 1 line of dialog ("Go back to hell... where you belong.") I continue to struggle with everything audio and sound design, and this sort of piece requires big sound **in the works** to sell what we're seeing. The smoke and fire FX are in the works. The idea is to bring in a swirling vortex of black smoke rising from the ash bucket that eventually fills the screen to black, then the title is supposed to emerge from the sooty darkness. That's what I have in mind anyways. **Shawn is currently at work on the music**

I did enjoy playing the part of Satan Claws (easy b/c I'm such a bastard) and putting the Second Hand Psychic sign together. Always a treat to work with the actress Sheilah Morrison.

Once done (when, if...) I might tack on another scene or two or keep it as is and use it to promote the script or just make it a demo piece. Not sure.

Anyhoo... felt like sharing some "new" work.

* I still plan on hacking my GH2, just haven't made the leap yet...
** please note **the updated info**
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I love:
The cinematography. Great compositions and movement.
The footage is fantastic in HD. So clear and sharp. I'm jealous. :)

I like: The acting. She's rather believable and sound will really help reinforce that.

I'd change: The pacing. Maybe with sound it will help a lot, but it feels just a tad too slow, especially when she's putting on her sweater after the dream. I'd move that along.
You mentioned you'd be adding color correction. If you use Magic bullet or davinci resolve, try relighting or refocusing some of those wider shots so we know where to look. Just a simple darken mask that's really subtle can point our attention to the important parts of the frame.

I look forward to seeing the completed project!
Looks good! Was the hand-shadows on the wall inside a practical effect, or composited in? Loved that part especially.
navmachine - I agree about that particular bit. I'll be tightening shots up as I move forward with the edit. Glad to hear that the overall look of the piece works. Thanks for taking a look and offering feedback.

Zen - funny thing about those hands... We were outside taking a break, waiting for my arms to dry from the tempera paint, killing time... I noticed their dog house had a bright white roof on it, so I asked John to grab his iPhone and we shot footage of the shadows from my arms, just playing around all Nosferatu like. I keyed out the white and adjusted the opacity. So, yeah, a practical effect, which is all I can pretty much do on my own. :)

There's a shadow that reaches for her on the staircase but it might be too discreet to notice.
I love:
The cinematography. Great compositions and movement.
The footage is fantastic in HD. So clear and sharp. I'm jealous. :)

I like: The acting. She's rather believable and sound will really help reinforce that.

I'd change: The pacing. Maybe with sound it will help a lot, but it feels just a tad too slow, especially when she's putting on her sweater after the dream. I'd move that along.
You mentioned you'd be adding color correction. If you use Magic bullet or davinci resolve, try relighting or refocusing some of those wider shots so we know where to look. Just a simple darken mask that's really subtle can point our attention to the important parts of the frame.

I think this is a really nice way of offering feedback. I kind of wish more people here would contribute like that :yes:

Jeff: I can't watch at the moment because Vimeo is down, but I'll take a peek when it's back up. Sound design is really tricky, and doing one line of dialogue requires the same skill it'd take to do a hundred- albeit with less work.
Ok Nick. Sounds good.

And I agree that navmachine's review format is a nice way to present feedback.

Weird that Vimeo is down for some folks. I can play is just fine. Maybe it's cached in my system?
Ah, ok, gotcha.

Figured since it was a layered video track from live action footage... but I'm not completely up to speed on such vernacular. Good to know and knowing is half the battle, so I'm halfway there. :)

* yep, looks like vimeo is officially down...
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Vimeo seems to be back up.

Anyway, I remember the teaser you showed me a while back with the chain. I remember being haunted by it and I can tell what you mean by having the audio the way you see it. The grinding-clinking-heavy-chain sound contributed so much to my memory of the teaser.

If you use the same style of sound for the whole video, it will be a 'hellish' experience. Audio is not my forte either but perhaps you can find someone to work on it, following the guidelines you established in your teaser.
I'm embarrassed to admit that with only 1 line of dialog ("Go back to hell... where you belong.") I continue to struggle with everything audio and sound design, and this sort of piece requires big sound to sell what we're seeing.

You've certainly designed the story/visuals for sound and sound design to play a major role in the storytelling. To be honest, it's a shame you don't have a bit of a budget as I would've loved to do the sound design on this short myself!

I take it you've read the thread on The Principles of Sound Design? Which might give you some ideas/pointers.

Ernest - good to know that teaser made an impression on you! Apologies for any insomnia or bedwetting it may have caused. :eek:

AudioPostExpert - I have not yet seen that thread as I have been away from the IT boards for a while, but I will most definitely be checking it out. Thanks for the link!

I'm a gonna see what kinda loose change I can dig up from the couch cushions and car seats, then I'll see about getting you on board the project. :lol: In all seriousness, if I did have the budget I know that proper sound design is money well spent, just out of my league at the moment. With any luck that won't always be the case!
If she's a psychic, how come she's not having loose leaf tea? :weird:

But, jokes aside, looks really good and you should definitely endeavour to get the sound design rocking and rolling because the effort that took deserves it to be properly finished!
I'm a gonna see what kinda loose change I can dig up from the couch cushions and car seats, then I'll see about getting you on board the project. :lol: In all seriousness, if I did have the budget I know that proper sound design is money well spent, just out of my league at the moment. With any luck that won't always be the case!

Are there any economy sound designers up in here? Everyone seems to agree that this is a great short and would be awesome with great sound. Would be nice if there were any such designers lurking about I.T., perhaps someone who hasn't spoken up on the boards yet and is looking for a project, someone who would stand and be counted, pro bono like, or for micro-budget pay, on a worthy passion project? Okay, I know that'd be a lot to ask. Just dreamin. It's free.

It's wonderful so see you hanging out on I.T. more often, Flicker. =)
It's wonderful so see you hanging out on I.T. more often, Flicker.

It feels good, Richy, like putting on an old comfortable sweater -- that still fits. :P

We're exploring ways to bring the sound experience to this modest short, which is actually an excerpt from a TV pilot I'm hammering out. I'll do my best to post news and progress as it develops and evolves.

I just sent the teaser to this year's Lovecraft Festival up in Portland, OR which I hope hits the screen.

