MYSPACE Marketing

So, I was reading on LADD's comment on using Myspace to market, and realized, I should try something, it seems to work:

I have 200 friends on my profile, I went to each one of them and posted a comment about the Teaser for The Rapture, obviusly posting a video would need to be approved, but posting a picture with clickable url would work, however, sometimes they disable html encoding... So you personalized based on the friend...

So, for each of the friend, I post a personal comment: "Hey John, haven't hear from you, here's something I'm working on right now, I hope you got a time to check out the teaser" and then post the url/pic

After 2 hours of posting and writing personal messages, I got them done, I didn't do all of them but about 190 of them (being a bit selective).

I also thought posting through bulletin as well, and did that twice.

So, what that did to it? Well, I got about 10 new friends asking to be added so far. And I've noticed the little teaser was viewed about 460 times (with since I posted the silly viral version mocking fun of myself at the begining - and about 500 unique visits from the website within 24 hours.

It's not a lot but it's spreading, as it is posted at these 190 friend's comment page, as long as they don't delete it, othres will click and watch and probably join too.

This is the 1st wave of 'marketing', the 2nd wave is posting comments and write up like this with film forums like this, the 3rd wave is the press release to news media, the 4th is getting tv and news interviews, etc. Note, as a wave, doesn't mean one after the other, it can also be done simultaneously etc.

I'm going to write up some of the methods of marketing I've done in the past that has been successful, sharing with you what I've done that worked (in my case). Not only with film related projects but also with other projects I was involved (one is a charity event with the participation from celebrities), fundraising events for local charities, etc.

As a rule of thumb in promotion/marketing: keep your name out there to let them hear it a lot (in your city, in your region, in your state or in your country), the more they hear about you, the more you become 'an expert' although obviously, you gotta have the 'expertise' to back what you are saying. :)
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Definitely looking forward to your write up!

the more they hear about you, the more you become 'an expert' although obviously, you gotta have the 'expertise' to back what you are saying.

This is SO true. I've worked in a very narrowly defined area of linguistics in the past and I found that the more papers you publish the more others see you as the expert - even if there is technically someone smarter out there. Granted, you have to know your stuff but if you know your stuff and don't get your name out there no one will see your expertise.
Ok, just to update a bit, since the last time I posted the poster as comment to my 190 friends (probably to only 150 of them), right now, as of today, 15 days later, I have a total of 262 friends, and almost all of them had gotten a little comment from me posted at their profile, and at daily rate, I get 2-3 new friends request, it seems the comment posting of a poster for The Rapture does work in slowly and steadily getting the attention...

That said, at youtube, The Rapture teaser gotten about 800 views (total from 2 videos of the teaser, took the first one down and re-added again). and the website had gotten a steady hit of 1025 unique visitors so far, it's not a lot, but it's growing.

This is only through the myspace friends list comment, we haven't done any mass posting at much forums except here and 3 other places.

Johnny Wu