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watch "The Journey" Teaser

Hello All,

My name is Fraser and I run a small independent production company called Silly Wee Films.

So far I have written and directed three short films, two which are available on DVD and preview clips are on my website.

I am now working on my first feature film entitled "The Journey". It's a drama/fantasy set in present day Scotland following three very different characters as they try and reach the tournament, a legendery underground sword fighting tournament that has been taking place since 1066. Each of our three characters have sponsors to help them face their demons and enemies they encounter on their journey.

We hope to shoot in June/July 2006 in Scotland and we hope to get a distribution deal and take it to the festivals.

You can download one of our teasers at http://www.sillyweefilms.co.uk/journey-trailer-b.wmv

To find out more about my films and my company please visit www.sillyweefilms.co.uk

Thank you :)

- Fraser
Hello Fraser,

I sent you my cv/picture about a couple of months ago. Did you recieve it?

Best regards!

Eddie Rex.
(George Best 1946 - 2005 RIP)
Liked the shot of the guy walking across the windswept beach.

Looked like the two guys fighting were wearing jeans...a bit odd given the fact that they are fighting with the type of swords they are.

I agree with the above poster, beach shot is great. Not so sure about the sword fight. But maybe thats because I used to fence and "fake" fights stand out real bad to me.
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I agree with JPW, the fight could have been sped up a bit more and a bit less 1..2..3..4, that said any movie with swords is inherently cooler than one without. As a sword guy, I winced as the guy at the beginning dragged the tip of his sword...that takes forever to resharpen...was there a beach in that scene? I couldn't look away from the destruction of that fine piece of steel ;) Nah, the beach scene was freaking iconic! Awesome.

disclosure: I help run the fencing booth at the MN Ren Fest, so I live swords 2 months a year.
The beach shot near the end... I am still smiling about the raised sword. That was a great moment. Looks like a lot of fun. Makes me want to jump on a plane and come help you. However, I am booked during your shoot schedule. Keep us posted.
The story is set in present day Scotland :) And each fighter uses whatever sword they can get their hands on...basically :) A few characters are given their swords from family members etc.
Thanks for your compliments :) As I said, proper sword guy coming in for the actual shoot. We just want to get a teaser out for attention and the seeking of funds.

The beach scene was shot in Stevenson, Ayrshire, Scotland.

It's my favourite scene so far, hehe. But I've got 130 pages in the final script, so I've got a lot more favourite scenes to transfer to the screen :)