Setting DVD up for downloading?

A number of sites are offering to make your created DVD available online for downloading. The downloader would pay for the DVD, which might also be in the form of an actual DVD, not just a download. The owner of the DVD would get a commission for each download or DVD sold.

The owner of the DVD has to sign a contract, which gives the site exclusive rights to the DVD for say six months, which is extendible on a month to month basis. At another site, the basic idea seems to be exclusive rights forever, if I am reading the contract correctly. I am not a lawyer and I'm leery about signing up for a deal of this kind.

Does anybody have experience with this type of distribution? Are any lawyers on board who might evaluate these types of contracts, and maybe rate them as safe or unsafe?

On my own site, I've made the first 10 or 11 minutes available as a download, no charge of course. But the download process is slow, almost as long as the actual video, even on cable.
I believe its a bad idea to sign with anyone looking for an 'exclusive contract' for any amount of time.

There are sites out there that do not any contracts like this. The most popular is No contracts. You control your product. They just take a small fee.
The Distribution problem

I checked out They seem to be an on-line printer or duplicator of books, CDs, and DVDs. My project used 2 mini-dv tapes, which needed to be seamlessly combined and Authored (slightly). I had it done by Customflix for several hundred dollars. I can get all the DVDs I need from them. I don't need or want someone else to redo the job.

I still feel that a bunch of indie producers working together might be able to get some action, although I don't know exactly how. If you're interested in exploring this idea, go to my site and leave a comment. Maybe we can create a special web ring. One idea is mutual reviews. Even a bad review can create interest, as people often are intrigued by wrecks and crashes. Unfortunately, I've sent copies of my movie to a few people who had agreed to review it but never did. If you agree to review a movie, you have to do it, either by saying "I liked it", "I hated it", "not my kind of movie", etc. In the extreme, the reviewer agrees to second the review of someone else. My site is: Not everybody will like the movie, but you can download the first 10 or 11 minutes and try it on a few friends or relatices. If rated, it would be G or PG.