tripod and head for cannon xl-2?

Hi Everyone,first time poster.
I just picked up a cannon xl2 and was trying to determine which tripod and head would be best suited for this camera.I will be shooting a feature,a sitcom,a documentary and a music video...for now! So i need something flexible enough to accomodate for all the formats i will be shooting in.Many people have reffered me to Manfrotto tripods but can't seem to be more specific about exactly which models i should be considering. I contacted Cannon directly and they could not help me.I tried all the electronics stores in my area but again came up empty.I also contacted the few proffessional photography stores around Montreal but still nothing. Sure everyone i spoke to would be more than happy to sell me a tripod for the sake of selling a tripod but no one could explain why they would suggest this tripod or that tripod other than "It'll handle the weight of that camera".
I also tried to contact Manfrotto to see if they had any suggestions but not even the distributors could give me a phone number,and my e-mails have gone un-answered.Anyone here have any suggestions?
Just to let anyone who may care,someone at Manfrotto finally got back to me,they referred me to a couple of distributors and I finally got to speak with someone who knew what he was talking about.He refferred two packages to me,the first one is tripod 351mvb with the 503 head,the other one is the 525mvb with the 519 head.Both will do the job but the 525mbv can have the "wheels" accessory fitted to it to transform the tripod into somewhat of a dolly.
I recommend you go to your local video house and rent a good tripod like a Sachtler, just to get the feel of what a tripod is supposed to function and feel like before you spend money buying one. Good fluid tripods cost thousands of dollars and when you use one you'll realize why; they make camera moves smooth and effortless. You just can't get a $100 tripod to replicate it.