How does one determine which festivals to enter?

I was just wondering how one determines which Film Festivals to enter? I want to see an Independent Feature but will have to travel four hours to get to the nearest screening. I will but we have several festivals near by here and it is really not all that much $$ to enter. I do not want to 'offend' but is it ok to 'sponsor' entries? It is sort of a political get to the point, are there some people who would consider it an insult to enter certain of the ones I was thinking was the Monterey FF or Santa Barbara. I live in a smaller venue town. This particular film IS scheduled to be shown at the Mill VAlley Film Festival in October if this helps.
There's a great book by Chris Gore, called The Ultimate Film Festival Survival Guide.

It not only lists a zillion (well, over 1000 anyway) film fests here in the US (as well as many international ones), but it also talks about what each fest looks for, or has a tendency to show.

I think you would find that useful.

No idea about "sponsoring" a showing... sounds a bit like payola, though.

Welcome to IndieTalk, btw. ;)
I hardly know everything, good Spinner. ;)

Though sometimes I act like I do.

I wouldn't know squat, were it not for the great people at IndieTalk. I learn something new here, everyday. :cool:
Thanks Zen;
Payola means expensive right? :yes:
My daughter says it is not cool to use smilies but I like to....
You guys are in a great field, I used to live in L.A. ,Zen and Huntington Beach. Never got interested in film until I moved away...just a bit North though.
My interest is Costume Design and wardrobe and Production Assisting.

I was just going to offer to enter the film in two venues. I think the entries were $50. each, they have to provide the film though...not even sure what the requirements mean you know in film speak.

Thanks for the info.
How do I determine which fests to enter?
First I start out with the free ones and see if they've been around and what the agenda is... If it's to promote their film or themselves, then I always wonder how much exposure my film will actually get.

Then I check out the pay fests... I want as much exposure as I can get so I look for viewing audience size.

My object is for people to see the film... the more the better... Winning awards is awesome too!
I'm entering every festival out there. Well almost.

It sure can get expensive, but marketing a movie is much harder than producing a movie and us movie makers tend to get even cheaper when marketing.

Since finishing my movie in August I have already submitted to 12 festivals. I use withoutabox for most of them and Chris Gore's book. By the end of the year "dark crimes" will have been submitted to 18 festivals and I already have 10 more scoped out for January through March submissions.

It's all about getting your movie out there. The more people that become aware of your movie the more you'll get from a distributor when that time comes.