Newbie and looking around...

Hi there everyone,

I'm fairly new to the film industry (although I have done some short courses and a workshop course). I'm recently back from a 7 1/2 week vacation and trying to get some more experience. I'm mainly interested in Continuity and Editing (although more Continuity at the moment and then I'd like to editing more) but am trying to get some more experience in short films and am unsure how to go about it. I'm looking for experience do can anyone help me by recommending some websites or telling whereabouts to go to look?

'sup, good Dreamer :cool:

Both & offer listings for film-related work in AU. (Not as much as the US sections, but it's a start)

You could try locating your local film-schools and leave a resume in the resources dept. (Normally it's local actors leaving HS/Rs for perusal by film students looking to cast, but worth a try anyway.)

Going to be a Script Supervisor for starters, then?

Hey Joyce, welcome to Indietalk. You'll find much info here to help you get started, just peruse the archives.
7 & 1/2 week vacation??!!?? I want a job like yours :yes: Seriously, the best place to start is with a resource like Indietalk...and get out and shoot! ;)