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Looking for dramas

I’m a young filmmaker from Montreal (writer, producer, director) but just to make everything clear, I don’t own a big house with millions in my bank account.
As a director, I’m looking for a talented writer with a finished script and synopsis.
I’d like to find a low budget drama if a little bit edgy, that would be even better..
Please P.M me with a short synopsis and your e-mail adress, and if it fits, I’ll answer you with more information .
Thank you very much.
drama film for sale or buy in

i have a project for film ..already have one for television but already producer and his team from LA bought in for 150,000.00. so this is not my first project....this is now my second ..so i have quite bit of experince in this ....email me at... treschic@moutaincable.net...for more info for the film project ....already started shooting still shots for locations in Hamilton Ontario...

please call Francesco DiNardo at the studio 905.383.3978 for more information

Hi YasYas:

Looking for a low budget drama.

Blackwatch Productions Inc. of Montreal, rated my Screenplay MT. SOLEDAD LOVE STORY

"Gripping, Emotional, Consider"

The Book of the same title will be published in November/December 2005 and can be accessed now on


The Screenplay is available at www.InkTip.com

Mt. Soledad Love Story is one of six of my creenplays available on Ink Tip.

I have a feature length screenplay that is a drama/thriller. It's about greedy people and a will. It consists of lust, friendship, betrayal, and murder. My email is llesko77@comcast.net
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