anybody know anything about indietalk on this financing website?

...okay, so I'm surfing the net looking for funding opportunities and I come across this:

It is an ebook and if you scroll down, the indietalk website is there as a link.

...does anyone know anything about this? Did anyone find it useful? I am very wary about spending what little money I have on things on the net. I can't touch it or see it, I don't know if it it worth the $100 it asks for. And I know this may seem dumb to some of you but I don't want to just indiscriminantly put my credit card number on the web. (I guess I am paranoid, but I don't wanna :blush: )

...if anyone knows ANYTHING about this, could you please contact me. I gotta fund this doc but I don't want to get scammed....

--spinner :cool:
...I agree. There are so many of these types of 'grant finders' out there, I am alittle afraid of all of them. There's just got to be a catch somewhere. Nobody gets something for nothing...
