Star Wars III newest trailer

Now I geeked out last night watching the O.C. (an unparalleled crapfest) only to get to the STAR WARS III world premiere of the trailer. I even went to my friend Bret's to watch it on his 50+ inch LCD TV in high def.... but the trailer wasn't in High Def, unlike the teen angst lesbianism of the O.C.

Now let's talk about the trailer itself.


I dug it big time. It looks like the movie that everyone wanted all the prequels to be is finally going to arrive. Lots of hellish imagery, lots of ass kicking lightsabre fights, and the bad guys win in a dark cynical story about the demise of .... everyone.

Great images, cool sound bytes, focusing a lot on the evil side o' things, and also looking like there is a lot of action in this flick. Probably more than any other Star Wars movie yet. Looks like the ATTACK OF THE CLONES ad campaign to get to the chicks with a love story aren't present. It would appear this movie is about "come see the blood, action, and evil guys win for once! No girls allowed!" which would also be George Lucas' high school mantra.

EPISODE III in general....

1. lots of lightsabre fights.
2. basic plot path identical to EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (big battle at the beginnig of the movie, all kinds of mysteries & character driven moments, then a big personal lightsabre fight at the end)
3. return of Chewie, Darth Vader, the Emporer (as WE know him), stormtroopers, and other visuals more reminiscent of the original trilogy
4. sad ending, cynical outlook like most of today's audience

1. another skippy/hoppy Yoda fight (once was cool, twice seems to be going to the well)
2. Natalie Portman not doing anymore skimpy, mid-riff exposing outfits (sniff sniff)
3. it seems Hayden's acting is identical to Attack of the Clones (I blame George as director).
4. No more pointless debates about how bad the prequels are. They become pointless debates about how bad they were.

All I wanna know is who is Palpatine really. I love that even in the new trailer, Is till don't know. That's the MYSTERY OF THE SITH that's been nagging for two prior movies. Can't wait to see.

So far none of these prequels have been half as bad as RETURN OF THE JEDI. That clunker still serves as the half ass, most pathetic Star Wars of them all so far. Maybe in context it will be better after this one. A whole lot of REVENGE OF THE SITH ties directly into RETURN OF THE JEDI, more so than the other two.
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I think this will be good. Part of the coolness of the original trilogy is Darth Vader. Not only is he back, but we get to see how he came to be. I agree with Lucas fucking with Haden, who is great in Shattered Glass. He must have fed him cardboard for lunch.

I've read a lot of spoilers on the plot points of this one, and they all sound like they'll add up to a great story... plus there's a planet of wookies!
I geeked out over that trailer last night too...except I caught it be sheer accident...lucky me I didn't have sit thru the OC.

All Good points Sonnyboo, but I disagree with Return of the Jedi. The worse film of the bunch has to be Attack of the Clones. I didn't mind that GL was introducing a love story into the new saga. You would have to expect it with whole birth of the twins senerio, but my feeling is that the "love story" was flat. There is a good love story in the saga...Han and Leia is a good love Return of the Jedi...ok so you got me there on Jedi being bad. :lol: But the rest of it was ok.

About the trailer, it makes me want to go stand in line right now. :pop:

It as if it makes a point to say this one won't suck. Either that or they got me under their Jedi mind trick...ahhh...make it stop...:bang:

If you haven't seen it yet, or if you're a geek like me and want to watch it over and over and over again; download it here!!!

Parts I love:

"Not from a Jedi."

"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"

"You were the chosen one!"

sonnyboo said:
So far none of these prequels have been half as bad as RETURN OF THE JEDI. That clunker still serves as the half ass, most pathetic Star Wars of them all so far. Maybe in context it will be better after this one. A whole lot of REVENGE OF THE SITH ties directly into RETURN OF THE JEDI, more so than the other two.
INTERESTING FACTS: "Return of the Jedi" was originally going to be called "Revenge of the Jedi" AND the Ewoks were actually wookies in the original "Jedi" script...looks like this is the movie George envisioned long ago!

I actually disagree with you about "Return of the Jedi" being the worst. I think "The Fantom Menace" was by far the worst...although "Return" did suck, and there was more work put into "Fantom", I just hate Episode I way more for so many more reasons.
minor, nit-picky baby correction... the WOOKIEES (then called WOOKEES) were only in the Rough Draft of STAR WARS before it eas ever broken into chapters. THe original working title was REVENGE OF THE JEDI, but contradictory quotes from George Lucas at 2 different times claim the name "REVENGE OF THE JEDI" was a temp title to catch illegal bootleg marketers selling T-shirtsd and stuff. Later changed story to say it was the title, but deemed inapproriate becaase a Jedi would never seek Revenge.

Much like the often quoted "I always said it would only be 6 movies" quote whereas I have numerous official publications (as in the MAKING OF EMPIRE STRIKES BACK by Alan Arnold and THE MAKING OF RETURN OF THE JEDI by John Preecher) that clearly state "there are 9 movies total, plus the quote in Cinescape magazine to Gary Kurts (producer of A NEW HOPE & EMPIRE, but obviously not a part of the crappy RETURN OF THE JEDI) where he gave thorough outlines of what was then (circa 1980) the 3 prequels and the 3 newer stories.

EPISODE 1: Was to focus on the origins of the Jedi Knights and how they are initiated and trained
EPISODE 2: Introduction and development of Obi-Wan Kenobi
EPISODE 3: Introduction and life of Vader
EPISODE 4: There were seven different drafts of the film. At one point, they pursued buying the rights to Hidden Fortress because of the strong similarities. At one point, Luke was a female, Han was Luke's brother, Luke's father was the one in prison (interesting point for some debates) and the film featured 40 wookies
EPISODE 5: Once written, the screenplay of Empire is almost exactly what is seen on screen. The only cut scenes were those involving wampas in the rebel base (cut because of time and unsolved technical glitches) and about two minutes of Luke/Yoda Jedi training with no real dialog.
EPISODE 6: Leia was to be elected "Queen of her people" leaving her isolated. Han was to die. Luke confronted Vader and went on with his life alone. Leia was not to be Luke's sister.
EPISODE 7: Third trilogy was to focus on Luke's life as a Jedi, with very few details planned out.
EPISODE 8: Luke's sister (not Leia) appears from another part of the galaxy.
EPISODE 9: First appearance of the Emperor.

you can read all the various drafts here at the Jedi Bendu script site
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directorlca said:
It'll be an interesting movie. There's a lot of ground to cover in this one.

That wound up being a huge problem in RETURN OF THE JEDI... too many plot lines to tie up. The prequels are a lot less complex, plotwise. All they goota do is kill soem jedi, explain who & wha the Emporer is, and put Annakin in a lot of Lava so he has really bad asthma in that black Vader suit.

Oh and kill off the sexified Natalie Portman. My sweet, sweet Amidala baby.
How can one say that The Phantom Menace is worse than Return of the Jedi? RotJ had so many horribly formulaic moments and extremely bad acting/writing. TPM suffered a) from the fact that Lucas approached it as a first act in the new trilogy rather than a stand alone movie (like he did with A New Hope) and b) extremely bad casting in the personage of Jake "Yippppeeee" Lloyd. When it comes down to it, I guess it;'s just preferenece, but I would challenge you to watch both films back to back and notice the hastily thrown together feel of RotJ vs. the plain boredom of TPM.

About the Six Episodes vs. Nine thing and all the other geekiness that has spilled forth - for far too long we have let our own geek wisdom interfer with our ability to enjoy these movies for what they truly are: sci fi, fantasy, popcorn flick, escapist art. No matter what Lucas originally envisioned (and we as filmmakers know that the original vision rarely matches the finished product), we now will have a six movie saga that defines a big part of our life. Let's be grateful for that.

Back to the trailer. I am loving the lines from Palpatine in this thing. There was a scene in Attack of the Clones where he and Annakin walked together and we saw the origins of the manner of speech that the Emperor used with Vader in The Empire Strikes Back and RotJ, the "learn from me" manner of speech.

Poke said:
How can one say that The Phantom Menace is worse than Return of the Jedi? RotJ had so many horribly formulaic moments and extremely bad acting/writing. TPM suffered a) from the fact that Lucas approached it as a first act in the new trilogy rather than a stand alone movie (like he did with A New Hope) and b) extremely bad casting in the personage of Jake "Yippppeeee" Lloyd. When it comes down to it, I guess it;'s just preferenece, but I would challenge you to watch both films back to back and notice the hastily thrown together feel of RotJ vs. the plain boredom of TPM.
ROTJ may be more thrown together, have more cliche lines ("I have a bad feeling about this"...I HATE THAT!!!), and have some uninteresting "plot twists"...but while that's all true, I just don't like Anakin being so young (Star Wars or not, that sort of made the movie not so good for me), Jar Jar Binks, the totally accidental victory in the end, the dialogue, the idiotic podrace plot (It looked awesome, but that little storyline about the podrace was dumb to me), etc., etc.

It IS about taste, because I believe that Lucas and his teams worked their asses off for Ep. I, I just don't like it myself...In ROTJ, at least there were interesting characters...muppets and otherwise...
Give me Jar Jar over Wicket E. Warrick!

Seriosuly, before it sounds too wierd (too late)... I like the entire saga. It's all good, but I like some parts better than others. OVer All the technical & creative achievements of all of STAR WARS from 1976-2005 have made so much possible.

I got into movies in the first place because I saw A NEW HOPE when I was 5 years old. It opened my imagination up and made me think it was possible to make any kind of picture in your head into a movie. When you have people like Peter Jackson saying he couldn't have made LORD OF THE RINGS without George Lucas & Star Wars... that says it all.