


hey All-
I just wanted to give a shout out. My name is Alden and I just moved to Kansas City. I have made a few shorts and am working to get a feature going. If, by chance there are others around the KC area let me know. Later
Welcome! Hailtotheking is in MO. I see you are on the Kansas side of KC.
thematic focus in your shorts?

No, he's just happy to see you!

Thank you, thank you... I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitress.

Hello Scud!
:lol: Welcome scud.. just thought I'd do the usual & let you know.. there are 2 Mr.blondes... one (me) has an avatar.. the other is actually a bloke.. best way i can explain it.. :lol:

Happy posting!
ur funny like this

"Goat's don't use money, silly.


"I think Lt. Bobby fondled me in the park when I was 6.


funny man
Are you calling him a clown? Is he here to amuse you? :o
Just a silly Goodfellas reference... in case you took me seriously :shock:
ha no problem ur a good man ,funny stuff on ur part indie.if anyone wants to buy pizza the movie at a discount price go to were gonna have it up real soon.