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watch Exquisitely hypnotic “Escape” by Apparat

Escape is a short film/music video directed by Sebastian Lopez for the uniquely sounding band Apparat.

Escape is truly captivating, Sebastian explores his surroundings to perfection using depth and textures to express the sorrows of the song. It almost seems like a collage of lens and lighting test shots, but at the same time the fluidity of the visuals create the tone for an enticingly poetic video.

Simply Beautiful!

At the start I thought it looked and felt sweet, but the shakey camera was really distracting. The images and feelings didn't suit this. Soon, noticing what looked to become overt motifs - girl with hat with ears always seen from behind, string sculpture, old gramaphone. Wondering if they were going to tighten into a poetic or narrative whole. I ended up skipping through to answer that question.

At times quite nice looking and feeling, but not genuinely meaningfull to me.

I agree with the lack of meaning, there could of been much more to it.
But the image, lighting and textures are just fantastic. I posted this because it can inspire anyone to boost up their simple shots.