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watch Dinosaur adventure Super 8 short film

The following short was made for a super 8 short film contest. The rules included that it would be roughly 3 min 20 seconds, there could be no editing or splicing of footage, and that we could not view the completed footage until the night of the contest screening. Everything was filmed as you see it in 24 hours, in order, and the music was composed and added blindly(which is why it's off in a couple of spots, why some shots didn't turn out as we'd hoped, etc etc).

With all the constraints it was interesting and exciting, and any views/comments/criticisms are welcome!



It's obviously not anything compared to some of the amazing work I've been checking out here(been lurking for a few weeks now), but it was a ton of fun to put together and has inspired a slightly longer, slightly more professional and ambitious short currently in the making featuring stop motion dinosaurs(I have a huge passion for old fashioned vfx), filmed digitally on location at St John in the Virgin Islands and in Hawaii.


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Nicely done, aside from the projector noise. Most irritating, that.

Where'd you get the full-body shot of that dinosaur at the end? Was that an animatronic at a theme park or similar? Very cool. Great shots of the other beasts earlier in. Overall, awesome Super-8 short. :yes:

I keep meaning to enter one of those straight-8's. One day. :cool:
Unfortunately this video was recorded live from the event, hence the projector noise. I was considering uploading copy of it myself and editing it a bit, but it seemed to take the charm out of the whole thing. Instead we've begun work on the longer digital version(which will be basically the same "story" just tackled differently..ie, with some money and editing!).

The dinosaurs are both my own, little more than toys really. One is a puppet and one has some motors added to it! Both are about a foot and a half in length. We had a lot more planned (including a giant flying dragonfly I'm really pissed didn't make it in!) but we burned through our couple of minutes way faster than I thought.

Thanks for watching, and for the compliments! Now back to watching everyone else's stuff..
Thanks for taking the risk!

It was definitely a really fun little project and I reccomend that anyone with one of these contests in their city try it out :yes: