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watch Brain Dead Colchester 48hr Film Festival Entry

Recently we entered into the Colchester 48hr Film Festival. We had the following requirements:

Title: Brain Dead
Action: Three books are removed from shelf.
Line: I've already told the police everything.

As soon as I read the title and the line I knew I wanted to do a zombie film. What came out was more of a mashup of comedy and horror. We ended up with a blooper reel almost as long as the film itself. You can find the official Fanpage for the film in the information on youtube. We'd really love it if you went there and gave us a like if you find the film entertaining at all.

If you are unsre of what a 48 hr film festival is I will give a quick over view. You are given certain plot devices the day the event starts. You then have 48 hours to write, film, edit, score and in some cases such as this upload the film to the Internet.

The experience was especially challenging as I ended up writing, directing, filming, scoring and editing this film. I had 2 actresses and 2 actors. We also had someone on set that held the lights and watched the kids while the parents were in the scene.

Thanks for reading and we hope you find something your like in our short.


This was shot on a Sony FS 100. Pieced together in FCP X and color corrected in AE 6 with Magic Bullet's Suite.