
Greetings everyone,

Anyone out there have any special tips for relieving stress and self doubt? I recently started the largest project I have ever attempted and am going somewhat insane trying to get everything done on time. When I look at the list of things to do still my heart just sinks :P.

Suggestions? Tips? Vacation ;) ?
Yes, I know the feeling. Just take it one task at a time, and keep driven. Remember why you are doing this project, and imagine how satisfying it will be when you see it complete. But you still have to work quickly. Delegation is good too, but if your a control freak like me, you may only use it to get help with all the tasks you've taken on, and not just to hand them over entirely. But whatever works best for you.

For me, when I am at my lowest, I just remember the great people I have had in my life. The people who taught me would not have wasted their time helping me in the way they did if they didn't think I could do it. Somehow the knowlege that somewhere out there someone believes in you can sometimes help

(Que the violins)
Thanks guys :) It's easy to loose sight of your goals when there is so much to do. I'm a lot like you Tine; I have multiple people helping me out at this stage but I like to have final artistic say on everything . I have to find a balance between being 100% anal - overworking people who offer their help for _free_ and distributing that creativity to others. That right there is my largest problem. I hate to make the wonderful artists who volunteer their time work the same piece over and over because I can't come to a decision!
That's very true. When I'm in school and I crack from the pressure and end up crying uncontrolable and/or deciding to quit the program (Surprisingly most people have moments like that in the program) I just remember what a privalige it is to be educated, a lot of people don't have that. (As well as stuff like a roof over my head, and food... well, most of the time food lol)