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watch New web series: Raw Heat

Episode 1 has new content and scenes added for those who may have seen the original.

Do you have a link to the original? I wouldn't mind seeing a before & after.

Fwiw... I think you may have added too much extra. The first 5 minutes are about 4 minutes too long. :(

Once the opening title has screened (halfway through!) things start to get good.

The whole thing is shot really well, you've got great fight choreography, you've got great sets, you've got great sound, you've got some funny gags going on (that trash can gag was hilarious), you've got a mysterious introduction to the villainous overlord... but man, those first five minutes just drag.

Will definitely watch more eps as they come out. :cool:

Btw, was this the cop series that had a teaser/trailer with a nekkid cop running around a corner in one scene? Maybe I'm getting confused.
Good attempt. In terms of the fight choreography, it was reasonable choreography but in terms of the execution of the hits I thought it was a bit tame. The hits themselves looked quite weak and its important that the actors put their ENTIRE body into every hit so that it sells well - particularly the hips when throwing a punch. I thought the sound effects could have been a little more beefy too but that is just a personal preference.

Regarding the naked, teaser yes its for the same show :P. We had to pull down the original episodes due to the terms of our contract with 20/20. There could be some other releases out there on different sites but we'll be setting those to private soon.

Graeme Noble,

In regards to the choreography, thank you for the tips and observation. The one thing I can say is that we could of and should rehearsed a lot more for that..


The episodes will be released on a bi weekly schedule. So episode 2 should be out I believe around march 6th or 7th..I'll probably do another post here when it does.

You can also follow us on facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Raw-Heat/155165784552798

Thanks again for watching and for the feedback!
Loved Raw Heat! Who doesn't love a good buddy cop film. Great production values. Good choreography. Crash can was hilarious. I would have liked to see more over the top stunts. I was full on expecting McHeat (great name btw) to pick up the entire car haha. I agree with a previous poster that the first half leading up to the title screen could have been stream lined. But looking forward to more episodes.

A few months ago I did a little Mock (extended) Trailer for an 80's action film set in Mexico. Check it out since you guys are obviously down with cop films.

cool I'll actually be out there at the end of march for hollyweb, not sure if you've heard of it but it's a webseries festival Raw Heat got into.

What are you doing with Perfecta?