SAG New Media

Does anyone have any experience (bad or good) dealing with the New Media agreement? I've been having a horrible time dealing with the department (them avoiding calls, "misplacing" my paperwork, and just being downright rude!) and I want to know some of the ins and outs of the contract before it gets nailed down. I've read tons online, but I want to hear stories from unbiased parties. I know the ultra low budget has some clauses that can hurt producers on the back end. Anything similar with New Media?

Any and all opinions/views welcome. Much appreciated!
I used the SAG New Media contract for a short movie a few years ago. Didn't have any real problems with it, but as I recall, there was quite a bit of paperwork for a 10 minute short.

I had no expectations of making any money on the project, so I wasn't too concerned on that end. I simply had a SAG actress who I wanted to use for the project.