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watch See you at sundown

I can't understand the guy on the phone @ 5:39.

It sounds like you're recording everything into the camera. Including the "office music". You might look into adding that sort of thing in post, so you can control the levels. Cause as it is, its very distracting.

@ 9:04 did the secretary change clothes, or is it suppose to be the next day. If the next day, there needs to be a better transition.

Hah, I dig the Americas Most Wanted bit. Love the hair. :) You might dolly in, to the computer, then transition to have the "footage" as what we are watching. Instead of having us watch a monitor the whole time.

Its over?? Where's the montage of the guys making the episode...something, anything. Its just a really harsh ending.

The two biggest things I see that need improving: 1. sound design 2. a stronger story.

Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for your input. As for the music the writer of the story wanted the soundtrack added, I did not but for his sake put it in. The music was from a youtube vid because Arthur the main actor who also the writer did not have the original track. As for the "American Most Wanted" video, it is the real A.M.W. episode which air in the early 90's. Arthur is a real actor in that episode.

Yes with the Hair.
I don't have time to watch the whole thing at the moment, but I skimmed through it. I can just tell by the manner of speaking that some of these people are seriously good actors. Reminds of a 70's Miles Davis/ post Civil Rights Movement style. It has that "jive" to it. Cool stuff.
Thank you Charlescfilm:

The writer was trying to get that effect of the 70's feel to the film. He is a pro, and a good writer too. We wanted to make a more complete film but do to time and money we had to work with what we got.