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watch The Package: Short Action Film

Hi Everybody,
New video :)
This one was meant for FinalCutKings 48 hour challenge but I didnt manage to finish the filming let alone the editing in time for the deadline.

Oh well, I edited in any way and uploaded, its the first time I've explored hand to hand combat, so please be constructive but not too harsh, I know theres a lot of flaws.

Big smile on my face man. Way better than the stuff I made at your age. Keep it up!

Only constructive thing I'll say, work on continuity. There's a few cuts where you were walking in shot A, then shot B was taken to early because you're still then start walking again and other similar things.

For real though, like I said, way better than what I did back then!
Big smile on my face man. Way better than the stuff I made at your age. Keep it up!

Only constructive thing I'll say, work on continuity. There's a few cuts where you were walking in shot A, then shot B was taken to early because you're still then start walking again and other similar things.

For real though, like I said, way better than what I did back then!

Thanks dude :D
Got it, continuity :) I'll make sure I work on that in the next video I make, I guess it was something I should've fixed in post anyway but oh well i guess i didnt see it
Looks like you guys had fun. :)

Yes we had loads of fun, it was a pretty quick filming to be honest, and we had no script or overall plan, we had to choreograph on the spot. since it was for a 48 hour film competition, there was no time for a script with loads of talking