An East Coast Hollywood?

Just curious as to how you all feel about a question my friend and I have been dicussing. Do you think there could ever be a Hollywood on the east coast. Not meaning pick up Hollywood and bring it over to the east coast, but the idea of a type society built around and known for film making, a haven for the art. Is it possible to bring the concept, oppurtunity over to the east coast. Sure we have N.Y., but that's not much of a filming paradise so to say. Now I'm not one really for Hollywood, don't much like it, but I was curious could it be done here on the east coast?
The reason why Hollywood is in CA is because thats where the studios and everyone could buy cheap land and set up their operations. Studios sort of happened overnight, but the industry built up in LA over the course of about 25-30 years. Also, studios in the beginning owned the theaters as well so since they could buy land so cheap and build big theaters it worked out well to have it all within a circle. What would need to happen is for a group of filmmakers or major businessmen to open several studios and shops - similar to our studio circle - and grow from there. See, Hollywood and Studio City have a lot of studios and shops and offices within a stone's throw away from each other. That would have to happen on the East Coast... and of course nowadays if you have a studio it has to be close proximity to a major cinema or cinemas for screening and premieres. It could happen but I don't see any place in particular as a "hot spot" like what made Hollywood.

Also, since Hollywood and LA is pretty much carved in stone as where you go for industry jobs, there would have to be a major movement for someone to consider locating themselves so far from Hollywood.

Except maybe Florida if you count that. Land is cheap and lifestyle is inexpensive. You could probably run a decent operation out of Fla.
Probably not

It strikes me as unlikely that an East Coast Hollywood would ever emerge for a couple of reasons.

Production is now global. The West Coast studios can pick anywhere in the world to make their films. The UK, New Zealand and Australia are currently hot. The UK for its studios and technicians, Aus for its locations and tax incentives.

For an East Coast Hollywood to emerge, it would require a new set of producers, with vast amounts of money, to decide to set up new a rival studio system and for them to decide that the East Coast was the place to do this. This still wouldn't bring production to the East Coast, unless part of that decision meant building new film sound stages. This is unlikely when there are already enough sound stages availible world wide.

The only thing that might trigger this kind of event would be a major change in the distribution network. Which might happen as a result of digital technology. If the major East Coast TV networks decided that they could take on Hollywood, with new technology they might go renegade.

However, what is more likely, is that once they decide that they can get into the game they will attach themselves to LA.

I think the real question is, why would anyone want an East Coast Hollywood? If you want to find the next Hollywood, you need to look wider. India has a huge and increasingly sophiscated film industry, as does Hong Kong and now Nigeria is getting into the game.
J.D. said:
Not meaning pick up Hollywood and bring it over to the east coast, but the idea of a type society built around and known for film making, a haven for the art.

a haven for the art?

Hollywood is a haven for Jackson, Grant, and Benjamin. If we're lucky, an earthquake will soon sink Hollywood. Sparring human casualties of course. Well...except for agents and execs.
I just left LA after being there for 16 years, I shot my first film there.
I have to say that for me it is far from being a "haven for art" the actual business of film production is centered there, but after you have made the contacts that you need, you can make your own haven. In my mind NY fits more of your description of a "haven for art", but we are all different.

Been there, done that, it failed. Wilmington, NC. For the past seven years it’s been an abysmal failure.
I didn't mean in the sense it as a haven now but rather the idea behind it back in the day before it became corrupt. I'm not fond of hollywood in the slightest.

Sorry to hear about the failure :( give me a few years and I'd help :)