For Project Greenlight Entrants


I am entering the competition this year and while I have watched the show and followed the previous competitions I am wondering if anyone here who has first hand experience has any stories to tell about the judgment process.
I have read all of the official stuff but what I'm interested in is the POV of previous entrants and even fo newcomers like myself. I figure since the program is starting up on the 9th this would be a pretty live thread for people who are getting involved with P.G.

Thank you for your time,
William J Long III
They whittle it down from a ton to a few. Best advice: Write a damn good polished screenplay and hope for the best.

Kevin Pollack said PGL tries to spice up on set footage by using only the heated and extreme stuff so watch out they may take what you say under your breath and make it part of the show. I wish I could find the link where he talks about it, but he says basically they try and tensify and over dramatize the process for TV, which I guess is normal for TV even though I think that's terrible.