I Would Be Ever So Grateful ...

... if you all could assist me in my search for a web site that features screen shots from cinematographly blessed films. I've found a few sites that had screen captures and stills but they were more often then not of actor closeups. I'm looking for still frames of some classic shots from classic movies.

For Instance, a still frame of the invasion of Normandy from Saving Private Ryan or a still frame of the overhead shot of Jim as he enters the church in 28 Days Later (you know, the "cross" shot) or even a still frame of the shot of Janet Leigh lying dead on the bathroom floor from Psycho.

Thanks for any help,
Those Shots...

Why are you looking for cinematographly blessed films? Are you specifically looking for those you mentioned in 28 Days Later and SPR, or were those just examples? Cause I can do screen grabs of those and send them to you if you want them.
Well this is an obvious answer coming from me... Lord of the Rings! Haha, I think the cinimatography is great, and you can find lots of shots that are not actor close ups.