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watch Raw Heat - New Web Series Episode 1!

Very good - the music sounds professionally done, the acting and dialogue is believable, and I'm waiting for episode two. But, at 8 minutes, there's not much for plot development.

Are you doing this to make money?
Oh i saw this when you (I think it was you) posted it up over on web series network. I like it it was funny and entertaining. Looks solid. good angles and acting. Pacing was a little slow at first for an action show. the muzzle flashes will look better if you change the transfer mode to add (classic color dodge) and maybe desaturate them a tad. Acting was good. The fight was fun and not too long or too short. Overall really good job.
Relapsed, I don't care about camera format (and neither do most people outside of this forum). you need a better hook to get people to watch. Come up with one and maybe I'll check it out. There are around a half a dozen new films posted here daily, what makes your special?

Good luck.
My motivation here wasn't to really post the hook at all, just a tad bit of information. I'd hope that the content watched is the more important thing in a filmmaker's forum. I'm not pitching it to sell or anything. Not yet at least. I also threw in the format because in other places I've posted it, people ask what camera it's shot on and if it's shot on location etc. etc.

Anyway, there will be a formal trailer, as well as an overall summary, reviews on blogs and more episodes coming soon.

Hope this helps a bit and I hope you gave it a shot - mainly looking for feedback on the -footage-, not the forum post.
Jaded filmmakers are the ones that really need a hook! I'll watch it now.


Okay, I watched 2 minutes. About as far as this topic interests me. Admittedly, it looks good. The look, the editing, camera work is all good in that time span. The two guys in the front seat are very believable actors. Looks like you nabbed them off of Law & Order. The guy in the back seat is not so convincing. If his skills don't get better, you might want to 'kill him off!"

Good work and good luck.
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Hi, AP Faizan

The semi/neo-grindhouse style is enjoying a resurgence.
I don't care for it myself, but that's just for disclosure.

Umm... three and a quarter minutes of tripod shots of "meh" dialog as an intro is kinda hurting this.
If the audience was already invested in the characters this would be fine, but not as a meetNgreet hihowyadoin'?

Open with the BREIF cool bad@ss sequence, little bit of dialog.
Or a fair bit of really b!tchin' cool dialog.
Overacted dialog isn't "selling it".
Make me/us wanna be interested.
It's "the web", guys.
People don't givash!t. They will click you like a Compton crack dealer.

However, I generally like Sophian's shot compositions.

Your actors are fine, Rasulo's either a smidge over the top or everyone else is sandbagging. The cliché comic relief just isn't there for me. My grievance isn't with his performance, only it's incongruity, wonderful as it is.

A minute of opening creds for a short? Ouch.

Is it an artistic choice to leave the color all flat? Consider gamma-upping a little.

Very nice stunt and camera work for the fight sequence. Fairly well edited. Maybe a tad slow.

The skateboard guy with the red bag ona string bolo thing was lame.

The bumper thing was okay, it just doesn't fit. It's like there's two different stories going on.
One grindhouse camp. The other Miami Vice fan fic.

"Two Shits 'Til Sunrise". I only saw one.

Overall I'd say this was a near miss, which is pretty decent.
Mostly work on compelling short stories.

The story is realy stupid, the caracters are realy stupid, Its a bit like Black dynamiteStupid....so I realy like this. Maby it need more retarded locations or enemys, to match it stupidety....I LOVE THE ACTION.

PLS make more.....

PS I love the homosexual tension in ep2..........
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Just watched the first one. I have to say it didn't really interest me to make it past the 5 minute mark. Shot selection was good, audio was good. I didn't care for the muted look of the colors. It was like a fog was on the lens. Dialog and story didn't do it for me.

I just watched the second episode, and I never knew why they got medals. The acting also needs work, but still a decent effort. Keep trying, though.

Is this a hobby or are you trying to sell the concept?
Nice looking piece. Good acting.

I would cut down on the scene in the car. You quickly establish your points and need to move on quickly.

The fight scene was ok. Needs either more coverage or fast cutting. My biggest complaint is the music to the fight scene. It wasn't driving enough. It sounded like generic action and not timed out to the action.

Again, good looking.

OK....I like it...but I don't...

Compare your show to a broadcast show like NCIS, Cops, Psych, Leverage...
What is the difference? They are censored....I'm not saying you should take everything out...
but merely cut down a bit... some word usage is too redundant...The F word is overused to the point where it looses its power and impact. It needs to be a word that has power and if it is said almost throughout the whole episode it almost looses its meaning...thats not good.

Also, the blood is good...but overdone a little?
Compare the fight scene in the first episode to the second episode...
The fight scene in the second episode is supposed to be back when they met...
But the fight scene in the future, once they're partners, does not have a single drop of blood...and looks more pathetic...
What happened? did they become worse fighters?

Another thing...The main character is not good at acting. His previously hobo partner is much better even with his overly aggressive personality...
The guy who didn't get what he wanted in the first episode was a good actor...better than the main character...

Lastly the Episode length is short. You should have at least combined the two episodes into one. Real broadcast shows have Pilot episodes...their first episode when the characters get introduced and a little something about them is revealed...the pilot episode is also usually the longest episode of the show series. It usually lasts 1 - 2 hours where the rest of the episodes last about 40 minutes.

If you were gonna keep your episodes in the 10 minute range you should have at least had your first pilot episode be 20 - 30 minutes...

Anyway, don't get disappointed...and don't get me wrong...this thing has potential...I like some things a lot...But i feel those are the improvements you need to make...
maybe I'm too harsh but I'm usually this harsh on myself...

So, good luck ;) Do better! lol
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