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watch "Thugged Out"- New Comedy Short

This is the second short film, we've made this past summer. We all had a ton of fun and while the video isn't perfect, we're proud of it. If you'd like to, please check it out. The link is below. Feel free to comment! Advice and criticisms are more that welcome. Anything helps us get better! Thank you.
~Kontrol Studios

The shot choices during the opening credits were fairly repetitive, and the sound throughout seems to be cutting off. I forget the proper term for it...

It was alright though, good continuity between shots that weren't amazingly shot but weren't bad at all, and despite the sound problems it does cut out main sections of static and keep proper consistency between shots, which is very important - perhaps adding some background noise during the opening would help keep it interesting though, and keep the style consistent between the inside and outside scenes. A reshoot isn't needed for that either, just recording the room sound and putting it over the scene in post-production is fine. Film Riot did an episode on using foley to replace sound altogether in a scene, which you can find here, and they also did one more recently about the sound in their new short film Losses that you can find on their channel.

Your actors were pretty great at their roles, especially in terms of timing and keeping their body language consistent between takes (because I'm assuming you didn't just have five cameras shooting one take of a scene, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, aha). The only problem they seemed to have were that during the particularly long shots the actors briefly lose focus of the other characters and look at something off camera, presumably the camera man or equipment, and it happens throughout a lot of the shots in the inside area.

The shots themselves were also timed pretty nicely, nothing really took too long, at least enough to be too problematic.

Where everything seemed to break down was in the outside area. The script got weaker (in that inside it was pretty good and had some comedic value, but ending the whole thing with "attacked by a dog" was pretty... off), the sound got a lot worse (a shotgun mic is appropriate for outside shots where there's lots of background noise, with seperately recorded background noise being put in during post-production and made to actually be background noise, not on par in volume with the dialogue), and the shot choices were just messy.

There's a lot of potential there though, from what I see, and really it could all be fixed in post-production - except for the last scene. That's probably need to be reshot if you ever did want to fix it, but you're probably just going to take what you've learned from this film into making your next better rather than remaking this one, which is fine too :)

I found it funny!
Spot on. I agree with everything you said. Thank you for your comment. We definitely had challenges with this short and while it's not perfect by any means, we're glad you found it funny.
I thought it was pretty funny. I would have been better if we could actually see the dog bitting his leg. Would it been a big dog or a tiny dog? It would be funny if it was a little dog that he was scared of. Like the sound of the dog chasing him sounds like big dog to trick you. Then show a tiny dog bitting his pant leg or something. Ha...