looking for some advice.



Hello all.
I've recently completed my first indie short...
Wait a sec. I think I should provide a little background first.
Less than a year ago I quit my "nice respectable job" cashed out my 401k and moved to California to presue writing. Up unitl that point I had only written in novle or short story format. After reaching the left coast I began taking classes at the Beverly hills playhouse, where I met and cast nearly all of the actors which were featured in "Tweekerville."
Now that it is complete I'm curious where I should submit. I submitted to Sundance and it didn't make the cut. I'm not overly upset about this, it would have been nice but then again, it was my first outing. Reguardless I would like to "get it out there" so to speak, if for no other reason than to showcase the actors which worked on the film. "Free of charge"
Any sugestions would be welcome. I'm very new to the game and aside from Sundance and Cannes I don't know where to start.
The best site right now for shorts is www.triggerstreet.com. It was started by Kevin Spacey and some buddies to showcase shorts and screenplays. They just compiled a "best of" through which 10 shorts will play at Sundance.

Another site is www.singlereel.com. I think you can post something like 5 shorts on for fee.

A film site that supports indies is www.indieclub.com. Lots of members with insights. One member puts together a DVD compilation of shorts called Shortkutz.

Festival-wise get on google, type in film festivals and see what comes up. There are a ton out there. Try to pick ones that cater to your genre.

Another outlet is cable access. A friend of mine used to put together local shorts for cable access back in Ohio. Nobody got rich, but people did see their work.

You should try the LA Film Fest. I think it's still taking on short subitions. go to ifp.org for more info. Good luck.
There's a cool site, Without a Box, that advertises here on Indie Talk that has an online submission service called BrigitFest. For an anual fee, you can submit your short, and be matched with all of the fests that you meet the criteria for.
