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watch Ill Bills - Bizarre sketch Comedy

I just completed a little Comedy piece called Ill Bills.

You can view it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z1IWb64E5o

The synopsis is as follows: Ms Poopee Doodee pays a visit to Dr. Doctor in the hopes of finding out why her money is simply not going very well. Watch this strange skit and see the various absurd things she does, all for the sake of trying to cure her Ill Bills. After all in today's economic crisis, one needs to resort to unique and unusual ways in preserving the value of the US dollar.

Hope you find it fun to watch.
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Hi Missss Diviiiiiiine. :)

I enjoyed your show.

- @ 1:36 "Maybe it's just Con Ed calling? Maybe it's just the electric company calling"? :)
- WTH audio @ 3:32? LOLOLOL!
- @ 4:02 Plan these dark-to-bright shots ahead of time and manually set your camera's aperture to whatever the brightest setting will be. That way there isn't the lag shift as the camera tries to auto adjust - dang impossible with these short cuts and slightly chilled camera.
- Speaking of exposure and such, gotta regularly set your white balance to each setting.
- And don't wear pinstripes. Especially not horizontal pinstripes.
- WTH was that jump cut @ 4:13/14?
- LOL @ 5:26! "Money got really skeert"! Too funny.
- Shoulda put the most absurd/amusing place that money could be, in the alligator, last.

Your consistent product output is appreciable. Super duper.

I'm interested in knowing what conversation or news tidbit incited/inspired this particular skit.
It actually was inspired by a true story: My bank manager called to say that my money was not doing well...
After that, everything flowed.
Brilliant! :cool:

Sounds like you have two audio layers overlapping, from 03:30 to 03:55, btw.

Your stuff is so wacky & abstract. Love it. :)
Thanks Zen Steve for pointing out that mistake. I just re-edited my sketch and uploaded it again.
I really appreciate you pointing that out. thanks very much :)
Here is the embedded video of the film Ill Bills for easier viewing.
