Creature FX redo

If given the original source video files of Kevin in bed, would anyone here take a stab at replacing an all new creature that is more vicious, hideous and realistic? More tendrils lashing, teeth gnashing...

I was never entirely happy with this version, but it was all we had at the time.

If you're interested, PM me with thoughts and a ballpark quote. Would add new sound FX and credits of course.

I think it looks ok. Maybe not for theatrical, but I've definitely seen worse on the WB.

one comment, you need to boost your RGB gain on the base footage. Looks like you didn't color correct enough for web. (you loose about 10% brightness on the auto format convert)
Thanks Nate. I agree with the "levels for web" adjustments and have been trying to do more correction before uploading for YT and Vimeo. This particular video did need more attention. Maybe if I redo it I'll address that before posting again.

What looks just about perfect on my new monitor tends to look darker on YouTube. And then the burned DVD looks bright on the flat panel TV. Tweaking is key!
I kind of really liked it. To me the biggest problem was the music, it was too 'bollywood soap opera' and not enough 'monster coming out of someone's face'.
Imho, dont change a thing. I love the directing (kudos to u) and the cinematography.

I know im going against all the comments here about making it darker and realistic but the vibe i got through the story was captivating enough. Adding more effects in there, imho, may distract from the story as we gaze in awe at the awesome creature instead of what is happening. I think the balance here is good.
I don't think it is the character model that is the issue here. It looks more an issue of textures, and good color correction. It doesn't feel integrated into the room.
I took a look and there are some quick fixes you could do to this to make it way better. The main problems are lighting and colour all which can be sorted pretty easy.

1. thing comes out of mouth no lighting change... would be dark and get brighter as it comes out of the mouth atm is the same constant lighting.
2. Specular (the highlight pinging) is too bright in comparison to everything else, look for the brightest thing in the room and match it
3. Plate is very red in comparison to your very saturated green CG, desaturate a fair bit and give it some warmth

Those would be my first changes to this, hope it helps.
hey thanks for the tips and input on this! the FX redo is on hold for now, but if we get around to fixing it I'll be taking this feedback to the bank. cheers!