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watch Audition scene...

Thought some might find this fun to watch. I do not usually put up clips of my work. Some might recognize the joy of auditions... in this little clip. Had to keep it short. Sorry about the small file. This was done 7 years ago... feel free to comment.

A few minutes of the Audition scene from THE HAUNTED MOVIE.
dont know if I should laugh or cry...

I like the sexy woman "Ill do anything to be in a movie.." and then the guy follows up with.. "cool"
LMFAO were they actual auditions? or just a funny short you made? If so i would have went with the girl who likes to "Satisfy" the directer. :lol:
I am promoting NARRATIVE, SCREENING ROOM video clips for screening room here! Just thought I would also add background info for any that might care... (please do not bust me, honorable, kind, understanding, IndieTalk Police!)

Thank you to all who watched the clip...

The clip, AUDITIONING, is a small part of a 96 minute feature I did in 2004, THE HAUNTED MOVIE (I wrote, directed, produced, cinematographer, edited, audio, casting, music and even gave acting a shot; I am NO actor -- just wanted to learn what an actor does and why -- the good and the bad). I loved my cast! They were awesome! Many have been pressuring me to do more movies. No $$$$. If wishes were horses then the middle-class-and working poor-in-America would ride!

Quick synopsis -- about a guy that wants to make a feature (with no money) and the 'movie' he makes. Almost all who have seen it, that love movies and movie-making, identified with it! Tried to add humor, science-fiction, documentary, horror & drama into one 96 minute movie. LOL. Could of been a mini series...

More clips can be seen here, if you are interested. This site has not been updated since 2007, (my bad), been concentrating on screenwriting, (many consider 'writing' my major weakness in script to scream), I want to excel at writing (maybe I did, maybe I did not -- 3 sample scripts are available for anyone's perusal).

Samples of scripts can be found at THE SOUND OF NIGHTMARES or WILLIE or DOWN attached on one of the screenwriting threads here at IndieTalk.

I now have 28 of these new scripts (written & polished over 11 years), all radically different -- ready for production. Please be aware, that I try to avoid using AND(s), THE(s) and A(s) in my writing. Also please note: WILLIE has a few typos in the first 10 pages, (caused from formatting issues) I do not want to correct them on Amazon Studios due to adding prison time onto Amazon Studios' 18 month control of script.

Having said all this -- please watch as many clips as you want. Pass them on too. I do not like to show clips on IndieTalk or elsewhere -- rather the whole movie be seen in complete context at one sitting.

I wish I had backing or knew how to market myself. I would love to make more movies with top of the line equipment. Hope this is in the right thread. I am PROMOTING VIDEO CLIPS ON www.hauntedmovie.com, just giving some background notes for those that might have an interest...