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watch Future War (ACTION FILM)

The guns were done very nicely.

The smoke effect wasn't very fitting... it was obviously an added effect, whereas you kind of want to aim for making it as fitting as possible. When it comes to post-production effects you hardly ever notice that they're there in major films, even if the audience clearly knows on some level (like teleporting). I mean obviously there's a limit on what you can do at the moment, seeing as you've just started using AE, but when it comes to that "regeneration" effect the kind of look you should strive for is this, whereas yours just seems a tad too... flat? I want to say flat, but that's probably not the right word.

The blood was also too misty. Blood is (basically) a liquid, not dust.

Overall though it's quite nice work, especially the gun fire. You also managed to accompany it with a not-terrible video, so bravo, aha :) I'm sure someone else can help you a lot more than I can, I'm not much of an effects guy, but I like to give my two cents on the subject.
Yes I agree that the teleportation wasn't that great, I was basically experimenting with different effects and seeing what I can improve on, but thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it.
Here is a tutorial by the master of muzzle flares. That and bad acting was the only problem I saw. I liked the grenade blast! Practical effects for the win! While movies like transformers justify budgets with in your face CG, I justify budgets with duct-tape, axe spray and lighters! PVFX!!!!!!!
Pretty cool.

Is the one guy wearing a Sea Cadets hat?? I was in the Sea Cadets. Forrestal Squadron NAS Dallas. My freshman year in high school, 1994.
Great job. I thought the acting was pretty good. The look was good for the war. It actually looked more real then I figured it would. It did not look too fake other then the mist blood.

What camera did you use for this test? Also, I thought your audio sounded real good what did you used to record your audio?

A few times I wondered if you were using compressed air for the bullets when they hit the ground or something like that. I guess that was after effect. I saw the dirt fly and wondered if that was after effect or some actual effect done on scene. Good job. I am surprised how good some of these after effects look. Not sure about the muzzle flashes if they look real but for doing films with fake guns I think they look pretty great. I think you did a great job with the sound. The special sound effects worked well.
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I used the T2i to film and used the onboard mic, but the mic isn't great, you lucky with audio due to the automatic gain control.