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watch Zombie Series. BTS

Hey guys, some of you might remember a while back I was asking for suggestions for names for my zombie series. Well Its not Called OVERRUN. I have also started shooting and only have one scene left to shoot of the first ep.

I thought I would share a short behind the scenes video I made for it with you. Would love to hear if any body thinks its going to be good or if any body has any suggestions for anything I would appreciate it.



I watched this a while ago and forgot to comment!

I actually thought this was really cool and I'm looking forward to seeing the final product! We've got a couple of zombie webseries shooting on the forum at the moment and they both look hot shit!

How's the handheld DSLR working out? When I use my T2i handheld it looks awful... unless I move very slowly. I hear that if you gaffer tape a bag of flour to the bottom it helps, but how's it working out for you?