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watch Earth, Our Home

As you can tell by the title, this is a documentary about the environment. The style might be different from a lot of other films here, as I used a lot of archive material. But I was fortunate to have a narrator, which I think helped. The film was included in the Short Films Program of the 2011 Princeton Environmental Film Festival.

Thank you for watching.

Thanks for your comment and for your question.

Some of the material is public domain, but some of the animations come from Givemefreeart.com, which lets you download material to use in projects without fees. I also used the website PacDV for some sound effects (that can be used free of charge but not re-sold). And there were some other websites like these that I used.
Thanks, I really appreciate that. This is possibly the first film of mine that I'm not greatly disappointed with, even though it could always be better.