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watch Future Of MMA - Documentary

This is the male equivalent of moms putting their young daughters in beauty pagents, dressing them up in outfits that are way too old-and-slutty-looking for them.

It's going to be an awkward moment when Giovanni tells dad that he's always wanted to be an interior designer. It's a shame Carlos won't be there to support his brother in this time of need, as he'll be serving time for throwing a dude through a window in a bar-fight.
This is the male equivalent of moms putting their young daughters in beauty pagents, dressing them up in outfits that are way too old-and-slutty-looking for them.

It's going to be an awkward moment when Giovanni tells dad that he's always wanted to be an interior designer. It's a shame Carlos won't be there to support his brother in this time of need, as he'll be serving time for throwing a dude through a window in a bar-fight.

Very funny but i have to disagree. These kids seem happy. Im sure if they decide to quit they wont be forced to train anymore. MMA is a brutal sport but no worse then half the others kids do these days. I've seen kids snap legs in half playing soccer and bones piercing through ankles from skateboards.... And the whole stereo type of fighters being angry violent people is completely opposite in my opinion. I've been training muay thai for years and seen many kids come in with attitude only to gain respect for fighting and to become a better person, not to mention staying away from drugs and alcohol because of training. NOT the same as MUMS showing the kids off to a bunch of pedos.
Hope you can see my point.

Go to the 2:12 mark, and take a look at Giovanni. Yeah, that's pure happiness. I'm glad you're not these kids' dad, cuz then I would've felt like a jerk for telling you how to be a dad. But this guy needs to be told how to be a dad.

I'm all for competitive sport. And I don't have any problem with, or stererotype against, MMA. But that kid is fucking 8-years-old. And it's not like he just started; he's been doing this for years. Wow. I gaurantee that kid is seriously maladjusted.

Your documentary has a very slick aesthetic, though. I'll give you props for that. Being sincere.
thanks for watching

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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and we respect all views at thirdreel. Thanks for checking it out and commenting.

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You're very diplomatic. I like that about you. Cheers, I wish you the best, and I do honestly have a great deal of respect for your filmmaking.