HELP! Panasonic HMC150 and software decision nightmare

I have been looking to purchase a camera for work to shoot interviews, sports and athletes as they go about their day to day business for - primarily - web based content. From time to time, we may submit content for local news stations to use. Many of the athletic teams want high quality footage which is why I started looking into pro cameras and think the Panasonic HMC150 would suit our needs.

I currently edit on Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD 10. We currently shoot everything with Flip Cams and I just drag and drop the footage onto a folder on my desktop, then slide it into Vegas. I have audio editing experience found it easy to edit video with Vegas but I don't understand some of the basics of "footage" and compression, etc. I have spent WEEKS researching cameras. I know more about the features of three I've been looking at than the sales people do.

I had also decided to get a Mac with Final Cut so that I can learn that. I can still use my current PC and Vegas, so I will have the best of both worlds and two editing stations. HOWEVER, I spoke to guy at B and H yesterday and he started talking about transferring footage and compression and he said I need to stick with the PC and go with Adobe if I chose the HMC150.

So, now I'm all confused again. And, if they won't give the budget for the HMC150, do I need to consider this same issue for the HMC40?

I'm thinking that maybe I need to go back to the Sony HXR-MC50U with the hard drive. Drag and drop like the Flip. In good light, our Flip Cams look great. The sound sucks but maybe I can get great footage and sound with a mic, lighting and a consumer HD camera?

I HAVE to make a decision on this today and I'm almost back to square 1. Hoping the great people on this site can help!! Thank you!
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The pany hmc150 shots AVHCD which is nativeily supported in vegas pro 8 (and I imagine 10 too)

I love that cam with my letus, but I digress, when I produced a short with the DP and that CAM he ran the footage through a PRORESS transcode. I didnt think this was necessary, but it didnt seem to hurt and he did a great job with the footage so ...
So, now I'm all confused again. And, if they won't give the budget for the HMC150, do I need to consider this same issue for the HMC40?

AVCHD, in my limited experience with editing it, fares much better in Vegas than in Premiere. As far as FCP is concerned, you just need to do a little pre-processing to get it there. Clipwrap seemed to work nicely for taking AVCHD and making it into MOVs. These were later imported into an Avid workflow, which also hates AVCHD according to the peeps I worked with.

Iif you wanted you could also go with converting it to Apple ProRes, but I don't know much about that either. Save to say that it's a fairly standard way to edit in FCP.

Why buy an edit station and a camera at the same time? Get the 150 and stick with your edit workflow for the time being. Cross-grade to FCP later when it's less of a simultaneous hit to the budget?

Just a thought. I might have missed something.