Nyquil and Alkaseltzer cold and flu jesus...

I haven't been sick in 3 years recently I got a cold. Standard fare with runny nose, blood shot eyes, sore throat, cough etc. I also work 3rd shift at a hospital so I usually have a hard time falling asleep falling asleep. Today I bought some Nyquil and Alkaseltzer cold and flu. Made up the alka seltzer and chugged it then did a shot of Nyquil. I don't remember going to bed and its 14 HOURS LATER. Seriously I don't remember even walking to my bedroom. I just remember waking up 14 hours later. I still feel groggy and loopy but a 100% better coldwise. Damn
I once mixed cold medicine with six glasses of wine. Knocked me the F out. Last thing I remember was taking a shower to go out on a date. Woke up at 2AM, in bed, with texts from my date asking me where I was? I have absolutely no recollection of going to bed, but I was all properly tucked in in my normal sleeping wear, lights were turned out all over the house. It's like I roofied myself.
So after waking up I watched Cool Hand Luke and made it halfway through THX 1138 before falling asleep for another 6 hours. So in a 24 hour period I slept about 20 hours. This is a new personal record. I even feel awake and chipper.