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watch High Noon

I posted this in another thread, so I might as well post it here, just for fun. This is my very first video, made a few years back for an assignment in a videography/filmmaking class. The stipulations in the assignment were that it had to be less than a minute long, contain no (or very little dialogue), and show continuous action (everything takes place in one location, and the actors are doing something). The entire point of this assignment was to learn how to shoot and edit a scene that cuts together. In my opinion, I think this is a great starting exercise for newbie filmmakers, and I'm glad our professor gave us these restraints. Oh, I forgot the last stipulation -- all static tripod shots.

I liked it....Crap!! :) As soon as I saw the two guys there, it hit me. I would have gone with lighting farts.....camera1...camera2...camera1,camera2
Pretty damned good for a first film. Editing seemed just fine, imo.

Are you SURE you didn't move the camera, even once? :D

Are you SURE you didn't move the camera, even once? :D


Haha. Very good, my young padawan. The shot of the pizza slice! Didn't stop me from getting an "A+" :D

On a sidenote, this class was the beginning of my transformation to filmmaker. I was originally planning on going into music. Had to take a video production class, as a pre-req to get into the University of Memphis audio engineering program (audio engineers need to know how to sync audio to video). I had so much fun in this class that I was like, damn, I'm not a musician, I'm a filmmaker! I'm still a musician, but just for fun.

Thanks for the compliments, all.

P.S. I orgininally posted this to show one of our newbs (dlevanchuk) what his first short should look like -- nothing complicated, just learn how to shoot and edit a complete scene, where to place the camera, etc.
For me, this exercise helped a lot, and like I said before, I think our professor was wise to place strict limitations on what we were allowed to do (little or no dialogue, 45-60 seconds, static tripod shots, one location, continuous action). I think this kind of exercise is a great place for any new filmmaker to start.

*cough* *cough* *hint*! :yes:
Another nice one served up, C-Funk. I liked it. Really funny. I hope my first short come close to yours.

One minor thing and I would not have brought it up, but for the fact that you posted this for the benefit of newbs like me, you have a slight continuity error between 0:38 and 0:41. Ravens Fan declares "1-1" and is clearly done with his "passionate" chewing, but in your follow-up short for round 3 he's still chewing. Like I said it was quick and minor, but I brought it up to advise my fellow newbs that continuity is important and we should pay attention to the little details.

Thanks for sharing.
Cracker, i think you've been hijacked. I believe I've seen this same narrative on a commercial. OR, possibly, I've seen this exact peice or material on the thread you mentioned, and am mistaken.

I somehow swing towards the latter, given my present lack of sleep i'd assume nothing less but British drivel to leave my lips for the very immediate future.
I love how the music continues over black at the end. I'm not sure why you let it continue like that, but it made me laugh.

Hah! That's where the end credits were. I don't remember why this version didn't have end credits, and I don't care enough to add them. So, now, the new story is that I did it on purpose, to get a laugh.