In Need of a New Digital Camcorder and Sound Recording Gear - Advice?

Hey guys! My last DV camera recently expired during the shooting of my latest film, and I haven't decided which one to purchase yet. It's a somewhat difficult decision as the camera I had before, a Samsung, was very reliable and you could do some very cool things with it. One technique I learned late into its lifespan was how to "pull focus", and that opened up a lot of new opportunities.

My camera was quite old, and required DV tapes to record and capture. This isn't ideal, due to the fact that my laptop is devoid of a firewire cable. I'm ideally looking for something which records immediately onto a storage device such as SD or HDD.
I would also like to buy one which is High Definition, but i'm aware that the price for those is quite high.

If you guys have any suggestions for a suitable camera replacement which is at a student-friendly level, that would be really helpful. Anything up to £1000 is a realistic possibility for a camera.

I'm also looking into purchasing a microphone for recording use on sound effects and actor dialogue. I've used both Marantz and Zoom H2 microphones before, and am considering the Zoom H2. It's around £150-200, is very portable and has some decent audio clarity. If there are any other sound devices that you guys could recommend for quality and aren't too pricey, please do suggest them. I'm now reaching the point where I want to experiment with sound and dialogue more, so a good mic would really help.

Many thanks!
Yeah, I would like to know more about that.
A zoom lens is something that isn't essential, but I would like one. I wouldn't be able to pay more than £300-400 for one, would you recommend any?