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Poor Waldo

While I thought Waldo getting the hell beat out of him was funny, and the sign he was holding was halarious, I don't understand what it's about. But funny none-the-less.
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I didn't get it. What was the point of this? I personally wasn't amused with the beginning beatings.

The camera had a nice image quality...I imagine it's a DSLR. I could be wrong. What were you shooting with?

Why post a single clip out of the blue like this and not at least give us a Hello or a brief description of the project?
So damn good. Check out "Sympathy for Mr.Vengeance" & "Sympathy for Lady Vengeance". After that, check out "I'm a Cyborg, but that's okay"

Dude, get them watched, and we'll buzz for hours. A Paper and Cracker marathon is in the makin'.

"THIRST" too, bam bam chicken an ham.
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