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watch View my short film and/or trailer? - $0, shot with T2i

Hey everyone,

I recently finished off my short film called "Buckle Down, Pants Off".

You can watch a 1-minute trailer here:

And watch the full, roughly 10-minute film here:

You can read a little blurb about the making of the film on the website as well:

It was made for $0, with a crew of two, partially improvised with non-professional actors and shot with a Canon t2i.

Let me know what you think!
thanks man.

I had my friend do sound, he used a usb yeti microphone (http://www.bluemic.com/yeti/) that was on a boom and plugged into his laptop which we lugged around with us for any scenes with dialogue. For the basement party scenes, we had all the extras completely silent and only recorded the dialogue from the main actors and then put some chatter underneath. For the kitchen party stuff (candids) we just ended up using the t2i's internal microphone, which worked well for the situation but I would probably never use to record dialogue.
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I'd stay away from yellow incandescent (or florescent) lights. 2700K makes your efforts look like youtube video (npi). They also give more noise and less color rendition on these sensors.
I watched the trailer. I did not watch the film. The trailer doesn't work.

Maybe the film, in entirety, is interesting, driven & compelling in some way. I just can't tell from the trailer. 3/4 of it is inane chatter/rhubarb at a party; the few lines tossed out towards the end vaguely establish a relationship between two people, but that's about it.

What is the problem or challenge that the two (or anyone) has to overcome? What obstacles lie in the way? Why should I care about any of the people introduced? What questions/situations are posed, that I would think to myself that I really need to watch the whole thing 'cos I just gotta know how this turns out?

It sounds like the film might well be great - there's a bunch of previous posters that have affirmed as much.

That's not what your trailer says, though.

At any rate, that's just my opinion. :)