Apperantly, riding a bike isn't like riding a bike.

So, if you ever are casting a part that requires extensive bicycle-riding, do not assume that everyone knows how to ride a bike.

Who the heck doesn't know how to ride a bike?!

Learning my lesson, the hard way. He is just barely passable enough on two wheels that we'll get through the shoot, but I'm going to have to keep a good humor about it. :lol:

My side-story aside, my point is just to make sure we all don't overlook little things like that in casting, stuff that you might take for granted, that not everyone is at the same level on. Doh!

I guess I'll have to re-write that stunt-scene!
yea, not everyone knows how...but if you have a guy roughly same size and hair color (assuming your character isn't wearing a helment and hair will show) you can use a double in rear or rearish side shots....for head on or close shots that would show his face you could either (this may humiliate him a bit) try training wheels? that way you can get shots (without showing training wheels) that will look reel.

your stunt should still be workable with a double edited with least I would think so.

yea if an actor's resume doesn't have it under skills and it requires any skill other than walking and talk you may want to ask if it's something important...lot of non swimmers and non-stick shift drivers out there too.
He's not THAT bad. He just looks kinda clumsy on it. I predict it will amout to more laughs than headaches.

In the "stunt" scene, he was supposed to ride the bike standing up on the pedals, while a girl sat on the seat. That requires a little more balance than he might be ready for. And there's extensive dialogue, so a double won't do. That's no big deal. They'll just have to ride bikes along side each other.
I hired this beautiful model for a movie. She had only two lines
so I wasn’t concerned about he acting ability. What she needed to
do was look great in a bikini and do a few laps in a pool.

I never asked if she could swim.

Poor thing waded into the water, looking sexy as hell and when she
kicked off she looked like a three year old who needed floaties.
she wasn’t afraid of water, she just had no clue how to swim. Not
a simple breast stroke, not even a little doggy paddle.
aww that's kind of sad living in hollywood so close to the beach, but I suppose there can be any number of reasons why someone never learned to do something most other people know well.

how'd you work around your non-swimmer? or did you have to recast her?
Do it in front of a green screen with the bike fixed to something or on a stand, and get the old rear projection driving laugh, then fake a crash and in the next cut have the girl really driving the bike with him on the handle bars.

Raindrops keep falling on m--“ Whoa! -CRASH!!!-


A film I worked recently cast a guy in the main supporting roll who was A: A terrible driver, and B: couldn't drive a stick.

Not only was he supposed to drive the SUV for every scene that included it, but they brought out a fully restored 60's camero convertable. Cherry condition, manual transmission, and the poor actor had to try to drive it through a strip mall parking lot with the owner on hand cringing at every shift. Probably close to $100K invested in restoring that car.

Oh, and same movie - lead female supposed to be pulled underwater by the "demon." She can't swim. That made the day of shooting underwater at a pool, well, interesting.

FWIW: My gf can't really ride a bike either. I mean she kinda can, but not really. You never know who can/can't do what.
ouch thats a lot of money in a killer car to have it driven by someone who doesn't know what they're doing,

that being said I would wager to guess I can't drive a stick, seeing as how i've never tried, but I intend on learning as soon as i get a chance, so that I can add that to my skills. lol
how to blind people get their scripts? in braille? that would be a bit awkward -

"heres your script"

"Im Blind"



"... erm, well"

should just get the na'vi peepz to play all the parts theyre amazing at everything!!